18 | the nutcracker

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Chanyeol and Baekhyun had been invited to go to the nutcracker with Sehun and his boyfriend, Luhan.

"You agreed to go with those idiots," Chanyeol mumbled. Baekhyun looked at him and hit him on the shoulder.

"Why are you talking like that! Isn't Sehun you're best friend," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"My best friend is you," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun suddenly blushed at what Chanyeol said.

"I-I am," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol nodded his head.

"I thought you knew this already," Chanyeol said.

"Anyways! We'll get to spend time together with them. We haven't seen them much since Sehun decided to move to China with Luhan," Baekhyun said.

"You're right," Chanyeol said. They entered the place and immediately spotted Sehun and Luhan standing there holding hands.

"Chanyeol!" Sehun yelled as he waved his hand. Chanyeol smiled and walked over to him. They gave each other a hug.

After they both let go from the hug, Luhan pulls Sehun closer to him. Baekhyun did the same thing.

"Over protective much," Chanyeol mumbled. Baekhyun hit him on the shoulder.

"It's been awhile since we've seen you guys," Baekhyun smiled. Sehun and Luhan nodded their heads.

"I know! My father got tickets for the show here in Korea. So we decided to invite some people but they weren't able to come so we invited you guys," Luhan said.

"Shall we go and head to the show then," Chanyeol said. They all nodded. Luhan gave the tickets and they were all able to enter.

"The show is going to be very pretty," Baekhyun smiled.

"What's the nutcracker again?" Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun. Baekhyun sighed and shook his head.

"It's a ballet," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol made an 'oh' face.

"Seems interesting," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun nodded his head.

They all arrived at their seats and sat down. They all started talking to each other and having conversations. Soon enough the show started to start.

Baekhyun held Chanyeol's hand. Baekhyun looked at him and smiled.

They continued watching until it was intermission.

Luhan and Sehun both stood up to head to the bathroom.

"So what do you think about it right now?" Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol looked at him and simply gave him a soft smile.

"It was fine," Chanyeol said.

"Really. Just fine," Baekhyun said.

"What do you want me to say? I'm not that into ballet," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun sighed.

"I guess you're right. Does this still count as a date?" Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol nodded his head.

"Anytime with you is a date for me," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun kissed him on the cheek.

After awhile Sehun and Luhan came back.

"You guys came on time," Chanyeol said. Según nodded his head.

"The line for the bathroom was strangely long," Sehun said. Luhan nodded his head.

"Yea. I've never seen the men's bathroom have a line," Luhan said. Chanyeol and Baekhyun just laughed.

The show was going to start again.

They all stopped talking and looked ahead of them. Chanyeol held onto Baekhyun's hand again.

"Don't let go," Chanyeol whispered.

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