"That's fine. I'll go and get dressed now. Do I have to dress up?"

"Yes, wear that new dress I brought you."

"The strapless one?"

She hummed. "Yes baby, that one."

"You don't think that's a little too much for brunch?"

"Not at all sweetie, pair it with a nice cardigan. Hurry over. Oh and bring Cynthia as well! Thank you, love you, bye." She hung up.

I️ looked at my phone and shook my head. The lady is a lunatic. I shot Cynthia a text and told her to be ready in twenty minutes. I freshened up then walked over to my closet to get dressed. I pulled out the dress my mom brought me while she was visiting Paris a couple of months ago. It was a gray fitted dress that stopped just below my knee, it had a slit on the side, that showed just the right amount of skin. I paired it with a satin navy blue kimono and white slip on vans.


I walked into my parents house and down the corridor with Cynthia behind me. Once we reached the end leading into the living room, we were instantly greeted by Milo Andrews, my adorable four year old nephew.

"Auntie Bub!"

"Hi baby!" I reached down and he jumped into my arms. I held him up and kissed his cheek. "I missed you so much."

He kissed my cheek and snuggled in to my chest. I'm his favorite, despite what Malik says. "I missed you."

"You did?" I whispered with a smile.

He looked up with his big beautiful brown eyes and nodded eagerly. "Mhm."

I pinched his cheeks. "I love you."

He smiled. "I love you."

Cynthia smiled and poked his tummy. "Hilo Milo."

He giggled. "Hi."

"Ah.. there they are! My beautiful girls."

I looked up and saw my dad waving at us. I put Milo down and looked around the living room. It was filled with the Anderson family and mine. Cynthia looked at me and I let out a breath.

My mom smiled. "Hi girls."

Cynthia smiled. "Hello everyone."

I waved. "Hello."

She raised her eyebrow. "Logan, is that anyway to greet our guests?"

I sighed and tried not to run my fingers through my hair. I glanced around the room again and caught his eyes. I just stood there, looking at him openly. I knew everyone's eyes were watching us, but I didn't care. I looked back at my mom. "Can I talk to you for a moment, please?" Cynthia grabbed my arm, I pulled away from her and started walking to the kitchen.

"Excuse us everyone." My mom followed behind me a few seconds later.

I heard her heels clicking against the marbled floors as she entered the kitchen. "Mom.."

"I know what you're going to say.."

I turned around and faced her. "Why didn't you just tell me? Is that why you wanted me to wear this dress?"


"Yes, honestly."

"Kind of.."

I groaned. "Mother."

She sighed and grabbed my hands. "I knew you weren't going to come if I told you he was here. Stacy just wanted to see you, you're always so busy Logan."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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