Chapter 14: Fangirls Don't Make Good Waitresses

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"Wait, wait, wait." Matt said once the pair was in the car. "You can't drive!! You're not supposed to know where we're going!! Let me drive!"

"Just give me directions."

He huffed and pouted. "Fine."

Fifteen minutes later, she parked the car in front of a small restaurant she had never heard of, let alone been to, in the past year she had been living in London. A quaint Italian place called Amore Cibo.

Matt jumped out of the door of the car, nearly falling over in the process, and ran around the other side of the car to open Lizzy's door. She suppressed a laugh at his tousled hair and hopeful smile, but smiled and took his outstretched hand anyways. He shut the car door behind her, nearly catching Lizzy's jacket in it, but she didn't say anything about it. Matt offered Lizzy his arm, in a true gentlemanly fashion.

He looked towards her, a smile on his face, his head cocked slightly so that his hair fell into his face. Lizzy wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose, but either way she found it really attractive. "Shall we?"

She nodded. "We shall."

He lead her inside. The restaurant was rather nice inside, a bit on the smaller side, but she liked it. It reminded her a bit of Olive Garden back home, but on a smaller scale. Do they have Olive Gardens here? Hm. She'd have to look into it.

The hostess recognized Matt immediately, but instead of freaking out like Lizzy would have done in her position, the woman just nodded. "Matt Smith, table for two?"

"Um, yes! That would be me!" Matt replied, almost as if he was excited to have remembered his own name. . Well, that was Matt for you.

"This way." The woman led them to a small booth in the back. Matt drew a few looks, some whispers, but no full scale riots or anything. That was a good thing. Matt and Lizzy slid into opposite sides of the booth. "Can I get you two anything to drink?"

"I'll have a cuppa, if you could. Milk and sugar, thanks." He smiled brightly as the hostess wrote down his drink order.

Lizzy, who still really hadn't gotten the hang of ordering tea in England (no iced tea, and it was a hassle to get anything besides what they called "breakfast tea") opted for something much simpler. The only thing she knew how to order, and get exactly what she wanted. "Could you please get me an Americano?"

The waitress nodded, and wrote that down as well. Lizzy could tell the woman wanted to roll her eyes. It wasn't Lizzy's fault the English were so close minded when it came to coffee. What was so bad about filtered coffee with cream?? It wasn't until recently that she realized that an Americano was the best she was going to get.

The woman walked off, and Lizzy turned her attention to Matt.

"I really need to teach you how to order a good cuppa." Matt told her, a smile on his face and laughter in his eyes. "This nonsense has gone on too long!" He proclaimed.

"Its not my fault you English are so territorial about your tea!! How hard is it to get a good cup of chamomile? Chai?? Even green tea for Pete's sake!"

"Its not that hard! You, little missy," he poked her nose with his index finger, "Need to learn the difference between tea, and your little fru-fru drinks. Here in England we drink proper tea."

"Did you just call camomile fru-fru?? At least I'm not asking for the stuff they sell at Teavana back home. Passion Tango and Almond Spice Cake Delight. That is fru-fru."

"What the blazes is that?? Passion Spice Delight Almond Tango-"

"Now do you understand my point? Chamomile is not fru-fru."

"Okay, okay. Chamomile isn't fru-fru. But you still need to learn to drink proper tea."

"Alright, I-"

Lizzy was cut off by a waitress who appeared with their drinks. She was intently focused on not spilling it seems, for she hardly looked at Matt and Lizzy as she set them down. "Hello, I'll be your waitress today. My name is-" When she did finally look up, her jaw dropped open. "Oh my-" Her eyes widened. "You're- I mean, I'm sorry!!" She straightened up, starstruck.

Matt grinned at her. "Matt Smith? Yes, I am. Also the Doctor. Whichever you prefer. I respond to both. It's nice to meet you-" He grinned even brighter when he caught a glimpse of her name tag. "Amelia."

The waitress, Amelia, let out a small squeak. "Hi!"

"Not a kissogram anymore? That's nice to know. And you changed your hair color too. I like it. Does Rory?"

Lizzy was half surprised the girl managed to speak. "Yeah. ." She nodded vigorously, nearly causing her glasses to fall off. "He does. I forgot the sugar!!! I'm so sorry. I'll be right back."

"Do you think she was so starstruck that she forgot that the sugar is already on the table?" Lizzy asked, a huge smile on her face.

Matt laughed. "So that's one of the fangirls you were talking about the other day."

"Yes it is." Lizzy chuckled.

A/N: Hello everyone!!! Wow, I'm kind of blown away by the fact that this has over 800. Wow. Thank you to everyone reading! Especially Elizabeth, who complained about the lack of Matt Smith fanfics on this site. Anyways, the original reason for this note. Don't worry, there will be more of the date. I'm splitting it into two parts because one, otherwise it will likely be really long, and two, because it's going to take quite a while to write. I've been working on this part for quite a while. And the next part will probably take a while as well, and I wanted to get something up. Well, that's all! Until next time, goodbye!

For Lizzy (A Matt Smith Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz