Chapter 23: Spilled Tea and a Scarf

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Matt stepped off the plane in New York City, with Karen and Arthur by his side. This was going to be an intense week.

Once he had gotten settled at his hotel, he gave his friend a call, and made plans to meet up at a Starbucks not far from Times Square. His friend insisted on being there for his first real veiw of it. It was really such a stroke of luck that she was here while he was. She was actually on her way to New York for a meeting with her agent, at that moment, if she wasn't there already. She had just gotten off her flight when he called. Such perfect timing.

So, while he was waiting, he unpacked and made himself some tea. The tea wasn't that great, but hey, tea is tea. The thought of tea brought him back to the day he met her, in Utah, when she spilled her tea on him.


He was in Utah for the first time, filming some episodes for Doctor Who. THE episodes. "The Impossible Astronaught"/"Day of the Moon".

It was a groundbreaking episode. The first Doctor Who episode to be filmed in America.

He was walking around, exploring, hoping not to be recognized in his baseball cap and unassuming attire, when he bumped into a girl, who spilled her coffee all over him.

"I'm so sorry!!" She shreiked. And then she froze. "Oh my- you're Matt Smith, aren't you?" Somehow, even though the words she said suggested otherwise, she looked totally calm. Not like a fangirl about to pounce, but almost like she was someone who had met him before, and was happy to see him again.

He was completely surprised, while the other, though feeling terrible about spilling coffee on him, looked completely unfazed. Who was this girl? Should he know her? His total confusion caused him to blurt out.

"Oh, um, yeah. I am, actually." WHY did he say that?? What if she's one of those insane American fangirls that wants to lock him in her basement and marry him? This girl was creeping him out a bit.

Okay, calm down Matt.

"Ah. Nice to meet you, Matt." She held out a hand, which he tentatively shook. "I love your work. Especially Doctor Who and Christopher and His Kind. You're a phenomenally talented actor."

"Oh, um, thank you. ." He was definitely not expecting this.

"Ah. Sorry about that spill, again."

"Its alright. I'm quite well known for being a klutz myself. I spill tea on people all the time."

The girl laughed. "Come on, my flat is half a block down. You don't have to come inside or anything. Though, I promise you I'm not like those fans. I'm an actress myself. I can't tell you how many creeps have made moves on me after shows. But I'll grab you some towels. And here, take my scarf. It will hide the spill for now." She took off her scarf, a simple, grey silk, and wrapped it around his neck. Then she led him down the street.

"Oh, alright. Thank you. First, though, what's your name?" He followed her, in a bit of a daze.

She smiled. "I'm-"


Matt was drawn back to the present when he--what do you know--spilled tea on himself. He laughed and pulled his shirt off. He was rummaging through the wardrobe, looking for a new shirt to wear, when his phone rang.

"My Companion ;)" The caller ID read. He had changed her name to that when he found out that his name in her phone was "My Doctor

He quickly hit the answer button. "Hello, dear Lizzy."

For Lizzy (A Matt Smith Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now