Chapter 25: Yellow High Tops

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Matt got a call back from his friend, letting him know that she was done with her agent, and ready to meet him at Starbucks. So, he headed out, once again hoping not be recognized.

Once he got to the coffee shop, which was luckily, quite small and not busy at all, he ordered himself a latte with three shots of esspresso, and lots of sugar. He'd need it. He hadn't had a chance to sleep since the flight, and that had been extremely uncomfortable. He also ordered a "Royal English Breakfast" tea (bloody Americans) with milk and sugar. The drink she had spilled on him the day they first met.

He found a table in the back that looked fairly clean (Starbucks tables usually were) and sat down. He pulled out his phone, conneected it to the free WiFi, and fired off a message.

'I'm here.'

Instead of text messaging, they used an app he got for his phone called "Kik Messenger". It sent messages through WiFi, rather than signal. That way they didn't rack up international charges when they messaged all day.

'Just a sec.'

A minute or two later, their drinks were called. Matt stood to grab them and bring them to the table, and right as he did, she walked in. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"Hello, Matt! It's good to see you again!" She made her way over to him, bounding about in her bright yellow, hi-top converse. His five foot, eleven inch frame towered above her five foot six, but he wrapped his arms around her in a hug anyway.

"Good to see you too, Jayce! I missed you!" He handed her the tea. "Royal English Breakfast Tea? Just please, don't spill it on me again. I like this shirt."

She hung her head sarcastically--only she could manage to make the simplest guesture so sarcastic. "I'm sorry! Let's just move on."

He led her over to the table he had been sitting at earlier, and she sat down across from him.

"So," she dove right into conversation. "You and Lizzy, eh?"

It was Matt's turn to duck his head, not near as sarcastic as Jayce had though. "yeah. . ." He wasn't ashamed of his girlfriend or anything, it was just embarrassing to be poked and prodded about it.

"Youre welcome!" She teased.

He grinned up at her through his bangs, his head still slightly ducked. "Thank you."

It was hard to forget that Jayce was the reason Matt had met Lizzy in the first place.


"So, Matt, any new projects?" Jayce asked him.

"Actually, my agent wants me to audition for this film, Christopher and His Kind. The director really wants me to play the lead." He told her.

"Oh, I've heard about that movie! I know someone who's auditioning for that." Jayce gushed, obviously excited.

"I really don't think I'm going to do it. . . I'm not sure though." He confessed. He wasn't really sure about the project, since he already had enough on his plate with Doctor Who.

"You should so do it! My best friend, Lizzy Bradford is trying to get a role as an extra. It would be her first real acting gig. Maybe you'll see her there." She laughed at the improbability of the situation, and Matt did also.

Little did they know, he would do exactly that.


The director had cast him immediately, as soon as his agent told the man that Matt was willing to do the movie. So, he was at the casting call audition so he could read with people auditioning for other characters. Many of the actors and actresses were plain awful, though he didn't like to say so, it was true. Some were better than others. One he especially like, but he wasn't sure if it was really for her talent or not.

"Next!" The director shouted.

A fairly young girl, probably about five years younger than he, walked into the room, looking nervous. She was about four inches shorter than himself, but wearing heels. He guessed her to be about 5'7"-5'8". She had brown hair and dark brown eyes, and she wore glasses with a black frame that really made her eyes pop. She was quite beautiful.

"And you are?" The director questioned. Matt sat forward in his seat when she replied.

"My name is Elizabeth Bradford. ."

She was the last person of the day to audition (thinking back on it, that always seemed to be her luck. Always the last to audition), so as she was leaving, he was too. He decided to catch up with her on his way out. Jayce had told him that Lizzy would "fall in a puddle on the floor at his feet" if he said hello to her. So, to test her statement, he decided to do it.

"You're Lizzy, right? You did very well today."

She turned, and when she saw him, she did just about melt into a puddle on the floor. "M-matt? You're-you-"

He chuckled. Well, wasn't she adorable! And quite beautiful. If he was being hoest, she had kind of taken him off guard. She was breathtakingly beautiful. And yet she wasn't beautiful in any sort of conventional way. She was just. . . Beautiful. He couldn't explain it.

"I am Matt Smith, if that's what you're trying to ask. It's nice to meet you, Lizzy."

"You too. . ." She blushed brightly.


Matt's thoughts were pulled back to the present, away from Lizzy, by Jayce, Lizzy's best friend.

"So, was I right? Did she love it?" She asked, hopeful.

"She did!! Thank you so much. That charm bracelet with the fandoms was a brilliant idea. And I never would have come up with the Shamrock and the pineapple on my own."

"You're welcome!! I talked to her the other day, and she told me she was dating you, and I gotta admit, I couldn't hold back from muttering a 'finally' under my breath. I don't think she heard me though." Jayce laughed.

"Wait, so does she still have no idea that you and I know eachother?"

"None!! When I came back from my tour, she asked me how the show had done, and I said well. She seemed to forget that my show was in Utah at the same time you were filming. I told her I met you while I was there, and she just laughed at me! She didn't believe me! And now, out of the blue, she's like 'oh, BTdubbs, I'm dating Matt Smith, who I've been obsessed with since season five!!' It's a bit ridiculous, really."

"Oh, Lizzy."


A/N: Ello! Here is the next chapter. What do you guys think of the big reveal? A little bit much? Cool? You totally saw it coming? Welp. Here's this Chapter. I was going to post it after I pre-wrote Chapter 26, which is why it took so long (also, I wanted to keep you guys in suspense over the big reveal). And then I got distracted by creating Character Outfits on Polyvore. Well, here it is now!! The next chapter should be up in the next few days. Don't quote me on this, but I'm going to try to update at least twice a week. If I can, this story will probably be done by the end of April!! I have the end all planned out. And you're all going to hate me for it. *Sociopathic grin*


Fare thee well!

For Lizzy (A Matt Smith Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon