Chapter 27: Confusing Reunion

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A/N: Okay! We're back to the normal Chapter-by-Chapter POV change. Now we're in Matt's! The little dashy thingys just symbolize a time skip.
Matt stood outside, in the cold, with Jayce. "Its cold! Can we go inside yet?"

"Oh, man up. It's not that cold. And no, not yet."

He sighed. "Fine."

He was waiting at the airport with Jayce, in the chilly morning air, waiting for a flight to California.

No, Matt wasn't going to California to surprise Lizzy. Sadly. He really wanted to. He missed her life crazy. But with his strict filming schedule, there was no way he could make it. But Jayce could.

Due to recent developments, Jayce would have the time to visit Lizzy after all. Originally, she had thought she wouldn't, because of a line-up of auditions and post-show things she had to deal with. Instead of just telling Lizzy, Jayce had decided to surprise her, with the help of a mutual friend named Jackie. Jackie and Jayce. Matt figured that would get confusing. Maybe that's why Lizzy always called her Jay. Hm.

"Jayce, Lizzy always refers to you as 'Jay'. Does anybody else call you that? Should I?"
"Oh, its a family thing. My Dad's name is Johnathan Christopher Herondale, and he's gone by 'Jace' for most of his life. That's where my name comes from. And my uncle Jem started calling me Jay since I was a month old. 'Jace' and 'Jayce' sound too similar. It got confusing. So him and my Aunt Tessa called me Jay, and it stuck. And there's so many names that end with 'ee' in my group of friends. Lizz-y, Jack-ie, Cec-e. Jay is just so much easier. I really don't mind what you call me. I don't dislike my full name, like Lizzy does. You can call me either one." She explained.

"Ah. Alright. That makes sense." He replied.

"Alright. Let's head on inside now."


After Jayce left, Matt went back to his hotel room and heated up some water to make another cuppa.

"Well that's wonderful." He muttered under his breath. There were no more tea bags. What would he do now?? How could he stay in a hotel room with no tea bags??? Bloody Americans.

He wondered if the front desk would give him more tea bags if he asked, or if he would have to go buy his own. Oh! Maybe Karen has some. She doesn't drink tea much.

On a tea hunt, Matt left the room and crossed the hallway to Karen's room. It was then that he realized that he didn't exactly know what room Karen was in. Sighing, he pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

"Yes Matt? Did you get lost?" She answered on the third ring.

"No! Well, sort of. But anyways! Are you in your hotel room?"

"Yes. . ." She replied, the tone in her voice making it obvious she was more than a little bit worried about the state of his mental abilities.

"Do you have tea bags??"

"No, they only gave me two."

Matt sighed. "Okay then." He hung up.


He knew which room was Arthur's, the one directly to the left of his. He knocked on the door.

No answer. He knocked again. No answer. Again. No answer.

Finally, he called him.

"Yes, Matt? Are you knocking on my door??"

"Yes! Do you have tea?"

For Lizzy (A Matt Smith Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon