Chapter 17: The First Note

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Lizzy opened to box, a bit confused. But when she saw what was inside she smiled large enough it rivaled Matt's child-grin.

Inside the box was a bracelet. It was a simple silver chain, it would be quite insignificant, but it had charms on it. One was a TARDIS. Another, a Sonic Screwdriver. Also there was a Deathly Hallows symbol, a miniaturized knocker that said "221B". Also, a yellow umbrella, crooked set of tally marks, a mickey mouse head, a closed book, a shamrock, a pineapple. She had no idea he actually payed attention when she talked about her fandoms!! He actually paid attention to her rants!!! Nobody paid attention when she talked about her fandoms. Except her best friend, Jayce, who shared many of those fandoms.

But the crowning jewel of the bracelet were charms that simply had letters on them.
M and L.

She picked up the bracelet to put it on, and underneath was a small slip of paper that she hadn't noticed before. This also had Matt's perfect handwriting on it.

For Lizzy. Will you be my girlfriend?

Her eyes went wide as she read the note. Six months ago, never in her wildest dreams would she have ever believed this could possibly happen. Six weeks ago she wouldn't have believed it. But it was happening. She nearly had to pinch herself.

She must have taken too long to reply, because when she looked up at Matt, he was nervously biting his lip.

'"So. . . Do you like it?" He asked, quietly, nervousness creeping into his voice.

"I love it! The answer is certainly yes!"

She stood up, and he did as well, allowing her to throw her arms around him in a big hug.

"That's good. It would have been terribly awkward if you had said no."


Two and a half weeks later, Matt stood in the terminal of Heathrow airport.

"Well. I'll miss you." He told his girlfriend, Lizzy, as she checked in her luggage.

"Its only three weeks. I'll be back before you know it." She told him, in a teasingly stern tone of voice. "But I'll miss you too. . ." She added quietly.

He smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Don't forget to feed Tony!! If he dies, I'll be very upset with you."

"I won't forget to feed him! I have a cat. I think I can handle feeding a fish."

"Okay, okay. I trust you."

Just then, Lizzy's flight was called to board. She looked up at Matt.

"Call me when you land? I don't care what time it is here."

"I will. Promise." She smiled, her eyes filled with excitement to see her friends and family across the pond, but Matt thought he could see a tinge of sadness behind the beautiful brown. She really would miss him.

That thought burned in the back of his mind, leading him to do something he hadn't planned.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She didn't fight him, which was definitely a good thing. Okay. That's good.

Her mouth was soft and warm beneath his, and she tasted minty and sweet, like peppermint lip balm. His hand slid up her arm to cup her face and he parted his lips, deepening the kiss. Her arms reached up to wrap around his neck, drawing him closer-

"Flight 457 please move to the boarding area."

The announcement broke off their kiss, both of them biting their lips and looking sheepish.

"I'll call you when we land. . ."

"Okay. Bye, Lizzy. . . "

"Goodbye, Matt."

Matt watched as she slung her carry-on bag over her shoulder, and retreated to the boarding area, until she was out of his sight.

A/N: Hello, everyone!
So, what are your opinions on the new chapter? Happy about how quick the update was? Unhappy with how short it is? If the former, your welcome. The latter, I apologize. I just kind of felt like that was a good place to end the chapter. *shrugs* And I didn't want to leave you guys on that cliffhanger of sorts from the last chapter. (Here ya go, Lizzy.)
Guys, this has reached over 2k veiws!!! Thank you all so much, you're all amazing. I love you guys. I really do. Thank you all so, so much for reading and voting and (the few of you that have) commenting.
This started off as just a little thing for Lizzy, after she complained about how few non-Doctor Who Matt Smith fics there were on this site, and now look! It's not really all that big, by Wattpad standards, but for me it is. This is more veiws than I've gotten on all my other fics combined.
Until next time!

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