Chapter 16: Don't Call Me Matthew

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A/N: Hey, guys!! Author'sNote at the beginning this time. Weird, right? ^^^ Up there is Karen and the Babes, a picture I took on Saturday. Sadly, Iwasn't able to get a picture of Lizzy with Matt.
Anyways!! I'm thinking about changing the story to be in First person point of veiw, rather than third. For one, there's quite a few mistakes, as I usually write in first person, but due to the nature of this story I decided to do third person. But now I've started doing point of view switches. I'm worried it's getting confusing and hard to tell which person's point of view it is. For example, this chapter switches between Lizzy and Matt's point of views. For now, I'll be continuing with third person, but please let me know if it gets confusing, and if so, how you would like me to fix it.
~Have a nice day!


Lizzy surprised herself when she actually let Matt drive her home. Though, it wasn't like Matt was really a bad driver. He was quite good at it, actually. Lizzy just loved to tease him. Yet, now, she just couldn't find it within herself to tease him.

She glanced over at the perfect guy sitting in the driver's seat and smiled. Her first date with Matt was better than she had ever imagined. Matt took his eyes off the road for a fraction of a second to glance at her and smile back.

"I'm guessing from that big grin on your face that I did well?"

"Very well. Fantastic."

Matt chuckled. "Well enough to be able to take you on a second date?"

Her heart fluttered and her grin widened. "Definitely."

He grinned wide, almost child-like. "Great!"

He pulled into her driveway, got out, and ran--not ran, he pranced (that weird little prance/run thing he does in Doctor Who isn't an act--around the car to open Lizzy's door for her. She smiled and slid out of her seat, and went up on her toes to hug him. At her 5'7, his 5'11 was just a bit too tall not to go on her toes.

"Thank you, Matt."

"The pleasure is all mine," he murmered in her ear.

Like the gentleman he was, he walked her up to her door. She took out her house key, fumbled, and dropped it. Embarrassed, she stooped down to pick them up, right as Matt did the same thing.

"Ouch!" They cried out simultaneously as the top of Lizzy's head smacked Matt's forehead. Then, they looked at each other and laughed.


"Maaaat!! Again?" Lizzy complained with coffee all over her skirt.

"I'm so sorry!!!" He cried, shoving piles of napkins at her. "At least it wasn't hot this time. ." He added sheepishly. He ducked his head, hiding how red-faced he had become.

"Its still twice in one sitting," She teased him as she mopped the coffee up from her lap.

Today was just another day they decided to meet for coffee while Matt was on his lunch break.

But was it technically a date? They weren't technically a couple or anything, but they had already been on a few dates. Did Lizzy think it was a date? Matt couldn't say for sure. She wasn't technically his girlfriend yet, but even so, did this count as a date? He had asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee with him. Was that a date? Should he treat it as a date? Was she treating it like a date?? Was she his girlfriend, technically, or not?

He was pulled out of his panicked thoughts by Lizzy's voice.

"Matt? Earth to Matt! Matthew?"

He pouted. "I don't like being called Matthew. ."

She laughed. "Could you get me another napkin please?"

"Of course!" He stood up quickly, smacking his arm on the table in the process. "Ouch!"

Lizzy laughed at him again. "Are you okay, there?"

"I'm fine!" He bounded off to grab more napkins.

On his way back to the table, he gathered up his courage.

He handed Lizzy the napkins and sat back down. As she finished dabbing the coffee off of her skirt, he drew a small, thin box from his coat pocket. Strung on the ribbon keeping it shut was a small tag with a hand-written note on it.

For Lizzy.

"I have something to ask you, Lizzy. ." He told her.

"Actually, I have something to ask you too. But you go first." She replied with a smile.

"No, you go first."

"No, you!"

"No, you!!"

Lizzy sighed dramatically. "Oh, fine. Okay. My parents' anniversary is coming up soon, and so is Christmas, so my brother and I are pitching in to get me a plane ticket to go visit back home for about a month. And I was wondering if you wouldn't mind checking up on my house, feed the fish, that kind of thing while I'm gone?"

"Of course not! We've almost finished filming the series, so I'll have no problem checking by." He smiled.

"Great! Now, you said you had something to ask me?"

He took a deep breath. Why was he so nervous? Of course, being around Lizzy always made his heart rate speed up, her voice made his head spin and made it hard to focus. But it was worse now. Steeling himself, he placed the box on the table and slid it over to her.

"Actually, I have something to give you."

She cocked her head to the side and picked it up. She glanced at the tag and smiled.

"For Lizzy" it read, in Matt's large but immaculate handwriting.

She opened it, and when she saw what was inside, Matt couldn't help but grin brightly. Her face was priceless.

For Lizzy (A Matt Smith Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang