Chapter 22: Chasing Dreams

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An hour later, when she finally got off the phone, Lizzy got up and moved her laptop to her nightstand. That was a bit odd. It wasn't like Matt to just hang up on her with a flimsy excuse like that.

And the same went for Jay. Usually they would talk four hours. Had she upset them somehow? Maybe Matt didn't want to tell her how he figured out the charms. Maybe he had seen a picture on her phone and felt stalkerish to say so. Well, at least he would call once his plane landed.

But Jay. That's the one that was psyching her out. She tried to message her but was getting no response.

Maybe they're planning something!

Moments after she had the thought, Lizzy realized how ridiculous it sounded and actually laughed out loud.

Planning something. How ridiculous was that?

They had never actually met before. Never even spoken. They lived on two completely different continents. The only time they had been in the same state was when Jay, Lizzy, and their friend Rhi had gone to a panel with Matt, Karen, and Arthur. The first time Matt had acknowledged her existence. He had mentioned something about a llama, so the three of them had been making llama hand puppets and bobbing them up and down. Matt had seen them and said into the microphone, "I can't see who you guys are, all I can see is this!" And started doing the same llama motion. She had never mentioned that to Matt.
So, anyways, the idea that Matt and Jay could be "planning something" was absolutely impossible. Maybe she just wasn't used to having friends who didn't know eachother.


The next morning, Lizzy slept longer than planned. Twenty minutes after she had planned to get up, her mother knocked on her door.

"Elizabeth?" Her mother opened the door. "Do you still want to go to church today?"

She sat up quickly, although she was still rather groggy. "Yeah!"

Her mother left the room and she rushed about, getting dressed. Luckily, she had paired outfits together when she packed. So she just had to grab one and put it on.

She dressed in a black and white striped shirt, a black maxi skirt, and a purple scarf. She stuffed her feet into a pair of matching purple converse, and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She had showered before bed the night before, and didn't have time to straighten her hair before church.

She stumbled out the door of her bedroom, and stood up straight. "I'm ready!" She called, to no one in particular.

"Come on, then. Let's go!" He mother told her, and handed her a to-go thermos. Without even thinking, Lizzy took a swig.

The warm tea coated her throat, and she smiled. Ah. The good tea.

She and her mother headed out the door, on their way to church together for the first time in a year.

The two of them got there right as bible study classes were ending, just in time for some fellowship before the service. She met up with Rhi, the gossip of the bunch, who insisted on catching her up on everything that had happened. Not that she minded. Soon after, they found Jackie, who had just recently come from leading Bible Study for the Youth Group. Jackie had been wanting a job as a Youth Pastor since she was a freshman in High school, and the church hired her on as soon as she got her degree.

Wow. Her and all her friends were doing pretty well at chasing their dreams.

Rhi was a fashion designer herself, and getting up there in the ranks. She had her own clothing line and everything. It was called "Rhi-Design." Jayce had come up with the name.

Jayce was living her dreams, acting on stage, touring in a musical. She wasn't a lead role, she was part of the chorus line. But even that made her the happiest girl in the world.

And here Lizzy was, already having been in a few movies and TV episodes, majorly as background people, but sometimes she had a few lines. And now she was going to play the companion on Doctor Who.



After church, Rhi, Lizzy, and Jackie all went to the mall. Lizzy had to admit, there was quite a few stores she missed, that they didn't have near her, or sometimes at all, back over in England.

They explored for a few hours, trying things on, but not buying anything. Then they went to get frozen yogurt.

While there, she saw a friend of hers from high school working the counter. Well, not exactly a friend. Well, sort of an enemy. She was nervous as she approached the cash register, really hoping the girl wouldn't recognize her.

"Hey, you're Lizzy, right?"

Though she really didn't want to, she forced a smile onto her face. "Yeah! Hey!"

"Its good to see you! How have you been?"

"Oh, really good. I've actually moved to Europe. I'm back visiting. You?"

"Oh, that's neat. And I've been about the same. Have a nice day!"

Woah. She's really mellowed out over the years.


Lizzy glanced at her phone, a bit nervous. She hated to be the stalker "Where are you at every minute of every day" kind of girlfriend, but Matt's plane was supposed to land two hours ago, and he said he'd call.

Jackie, whom Lizzy was fairly certain was a legitimate empath, caught on the her worry quite quickly. "What's up?" She questioned.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that, well, I sound like a total stalker, but my boyfriend is on a flight today, and he said he'd call when he landed. The plane was supposed to land two hours ago. . ."

"Call him!!" Rhi, the boy - crazy one, and Jackie, the empath, both urged her.

"Okay!" She pulled up Matt's contact and dialed, biting her lip.

A/N: Ayyyyeeeee! Ello, everyone. I am officially that author. The one that updates at three in the morning. (Okay, okay. 2:30.) I was up working on a project and couldn't sleep, so I decided to finish this chapter.

Welp. Guys, I will have you know I broke my own record yesterday. (Yes, yes, Saturday. But whatever. It's still yesterday in my mind.) I wrote three chapters in one day. I just only posted two. "Why?" You may ask?

Because I enjoy watching you suffer!!!

Haha, actually, no. Jk. The reason I didn't post it is because it's from Matt's POV. And I want to keep the little changey change back and forth thing going for PoV's. And because it's probably going to reveal things that I didn't want you guys to know yet. Though, this chapter has probably made it pretty obvious.

Anyways! Alright. I'll be posting the next chapter soon. As soon as I can figure out how to rearrange the chapters so they're in the right order.

Goodnight! (Or morning. Or afternoon. Depending on your time period. Ugh. Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey.)


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