chapter 13_ sealed fate

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The soft thud my pen made, made me realize that my fate was sealed. To be honest I never really dreamed of a wedding like this; in a court room(well a shariah court); in one of my everyday jilbabs. I'd always thought my wedding would be a joyous occasion, not one that left my brother storming off, or left me with a bitter feeling at the back of my throat,  fighting to surpress  the hot tears that were threatening to spill. I looked at Jaleel and he gave me a small smile. It was a reassuring one. He gave my hand a small squeeze and that was when I clocked it that we were halal for each other. I chose Jaleel over my family and friends, and it was the right decision.(I hope).

The ride home was a short one, there were not many cars on the road so the usually busy roads were free. Ibrahim was still not picking up my calls, he had blocked me on Whatsapp too.

I know my decision had been hasty but still I can't control how I feel. I was the one who suggested the idea of getting married in a shariah council. It had been out of rebellion at first but Jaleel liked the idea and I couldn't go back.
Ibrahim had rushed there to stop my father when he heard he had been summoned by the judge. However he was too late as I was already married .

"Don't worry babe, he'll come around" Jaleel said looking at me from the corner of his eyes. "Let's get you home to freshen up, I don't want my wifey looking sad" he said.

That's true, I'm Jaleel's wife now. I can't believe it!!!!

"Then we can have our alone time" Jaleel whispered to me, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

Oh my days!!! I didn't actually clock it, subhanallah. How would I tell him that I'm on my period!! This is so embarrassing.

We finally  arrived at Jaleel's apartment.  I didn't care that it was not that big, I was just happy the I am finally his wife.

"Let me help you with this" he says collecting my bag from me. "Make yourself at home, this is your house after all" he said winking at me before disappearing into one of the rooms.

"Yes, it is" I was going to say. I slowly took of my jilbab. To be honest I was terribly shy but I was trying to be brave. The gown I was wearing was a sleeveless lace gown. I had worn it for Eid the previous year. It was nothing too fancy. I had expected my wedding dress to be something more fancy but, it is what it is.

Jaleel suddenly came back in to the room. I was so lost in thought that I had no idea when he came in. He was staring at me, I had never seen him look at me this way before. I followed his gaze and I realized he was staring at my dress. I just clocked it, he had never seen me without a jilbab. I suddenly felt so exposed, a blush crept up my cheeks.

"You're beautiful" he said. My ears began to burn up. He came to sit down beside me, he held a lock of my hair in his hand and twirled it. "Oh my God is this your real hair?" He sounded so excited like a kid who just got candy.

"Yes it it. I have afro hair"  I replied. I like to think of myself as a natural hair enthusiast. It's the reason I have shoulder length afro hair. "It's beautiful" he repeated. He moved closer to me . "Oh my God Zahra you look so delicious" he said leaning in to kiss me.

Wait, what? Did he just say delicious?
"Umm... Jaleel ... it's time for dhuhr" I said. "I know,I observed it already" he replied.
"Really? When?" I questioned. "Inside" he replied. He sounded a bit annoyed.
It's funny, because I could have sworn he spent only about five minutes inside.

"The thing is... Jaleel... I would rather we observe the noafil first before starting any of this" I said. To be honest I was expecting him to suggest that first. It would make me announcing the fact that I am on my period less awkward. Since he didn't I had to.

"I have observed the noafil already" he said. Hun! "The thing is, Jaleel... I am off solah" I finally said it.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
Oh no. "It means I can't pray for the next five days, I'm on my period" I replied.

For a split second I thought I saw something flash in his eyes. A different emotion: but I shrugged it off.

"It's fine" he said . Giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "Go freshen up
I need to see someone outside" he said.

Ohkay, that was awkward...

A/N: hi guys, asalamualaykum. I am really sorry for not updating. I know it's been a while, but sixth form is so annoying.
I hope you guys enjoy.

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