CHAPTER 6- TO crush or not to crush

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"How is it possible to hate someone and love them at the same time"

Zahra's thoughts...

Thank you for the ride" Zahra said, "jazakhallahu khayran " she continued. "No problem, wa antifajazakhallahu khayran" Zaid replied and drove off.
Zahra took off her niqab and walked in through the back door as she didn't want to disturb her mum who she thought was already asleep.

She walked into her room, changed into her pyjamas and laid on her bed, her mind drifted back to Zaid and she couldn't help but smile.

"Stop it Zahra, stop thinking about him he's not your mahram" she thought to her self.

"What are you smiling about?" Maryam asked. "Nothing, just thinking" Zahra replied.

"Ooh is it a guy, does my big sis finally have a crush" maryam said teasingly, "oh shut up maryam, go and sleep, crush ko crush ni " she replied.

"What is it? Is it haram to have a crush again, or are you not a a girl, don't you have hormones, stop pretending that you are a saint" Maryam replied. "Maryam, go and sleep." Zahra said.

Zahra laid awake on her back, trying to figure out the train of thoughts running through her head. The full moon being the only source of light in the room as it resonated its beautiful light into the night sky. She could not help but stare at it in awe, her heart singing praises to her Lord. Her mind unwillingly drifted back to Maryam's statement. "No, Maryam is just joking" she thought. She got up to observe "qiyyamul layl" but the sharp pain in her abdomen reminded her that she couldn't pray for the next few days, she sighed and went back to sleep.


Professor Olagbaju, a renowned professor of psychology at the university of Lagos. At 62 years of age he was still able to stand and give a two hour lecture. His round clear glasses always resting on his nose, pronouncing each word in a clear and precise way with his almost "British" accent.

Zahra whispered a small "bismillah" as she knocked on his office door. She was rather appalled that he had requested her presence. "Good afternoon sir" she greeted.

"Good afternoon Miss Uthman" . "I am sure you are aware about the upcoming university convocation in two weeks time" he asked. "Yes sir, I have a cousin who is convocing " she said. He smiled. " Good... Have you heard of PSYMAX2018?" he asked.

She had heard of it. Psymax was basically a company in the UK who offered internships to international students. You had to be nominated by a lecturer from your department to be able to apply. "Yes sir, I have heard of it" she replied. " well... Since you have heard of it then there's no point in beating around the bush. Go and start working on your first chapter and bring it to my office next week." He said. "Sir?..." She asked puzzled. "Are you nominating me" she asked. "Dear God (he whispered). If I wasn't would I call you to my office " He said. "But I didn't ask" she replied. "Miss uthman as you can see I am a very busy man, when you are ready, you may leave. Unless you would like to stay here and start working on the first chapter" He said. "No. I'll take my leave now" she replied .leaving.

Beep beep

Naseerah: "Zahra, come fast!"
Zahra: "why?"

Naseerah: "it's an emergency"

Zahra:"you wouldn't believe what happened to me today"

Naseerah: "please just come fast"

Zahra:" okay!before you chop my head off"

She sighed and got on a bus to Naseerah's house.

************************************"what is it" Zahra asked as she untied her niqab. " Just sit down" naseerah said. "You know Naseerah, not everyone is as lucky as you to get married and convoc in the same year you know!" Zahra whined. "Okay, not luck Qadr you have a good qadr Allahuma baarik" she continued to rant.
(A/n: The prophet saw said to make dua when we see something we like in order to prevent the evil eye. Hence we say Allahuma Baarik to prevent the evil eye)

" when you are done" Naseerah said crossing her arms. "Oh, sorry " Zahra replied. "Finally! Asalamualaykum" Naseerah said. "Walaykumsalam" Zahra replied. "So basically, I don't know but... I haven't been feeling too well (particularly in the mornings) and I have been worried especially since my L.M.P. was two months ago".
Naseerah said. "Oh my God! Have you told Abdullah?" Zahra asked.
"No...but I think he's starting to notice especially with the morning sickness and all" Naseerah said. "Did you just say morning sickness. Are you... Pregnant?" Zahra asked. "I don't know!" Naseerah replied pacing around the living room.

"So what do you intend to do?" Zahra asked. "That's why I called basically I bought a pregnancy test today" Naseerah said. "So, what are you waiting for?" Zahra asked. "I am nervous" she replied. "C'mon go now!" Zahra said casually pushing her into the bathroom. "How long does it take again?" She asked. "About five minutes " Naseerah replied entering the bathroom.

Five nerve wrecking minutes later

"C'mon Naseerah! How many more minutes" Zahra said. "Hold your horses" Naseerah replied. "Finally you 're's the result?" Zahra asked. "Pink means negative right?" "Yeah" Zahra replied her downcast.
"Well...guess who's about to become an aunt?" Naseerah said holding the test up;a bright sapphire colour on the screen. "Oh my Allah! Congratulations Naseerah I am so happy for you" Zahra said giving her a hug. "Alhamdulilah" Naseerah replied, hugging her back.

"Beep beep" Zahra's phone sounded .
"Remember to choose an interesting topic" _ professor Olagbaju

"What is it?" Naseerah asked. "It's professor Olagbaju" she replied. " what's up with him" she asked. "He nominated me for PSYMAX " Zahra replied. "Really! WOW!" Naseerah replied.
"It doesn't matter" Zahra said. "Why" Naseerah asked. " well... I don't think I'm good enough. I probably wouldn't even make it to top 10" she said giving a lop sided bitter sweet smile.

"Now, where did that thought come from? Why are you so pessimistic. You're a muslim Zahra, you always have to be optimistic. Don't defeat yourself. Now you better start working on your first chapter NOW!!!" Naseerah said. "okay mum!" Zahra replied dramatically waving her hands for effect. "you're not serious" Naseerah said. " Yeah, but that's why you love me" Zahra replied laughing.

"I have to leave now" Zahra said. " awwn no please wait a bit longer" Naseerah protested. " sorry love, no can't do, Abdullah will soon be back and I don't want to be a third wheel,(winks her eye) " . " You are not serious" Naseerah replied. " aww, I love you too...... Asalamuaykum" Zahra said hurriedly (dashing out of the room before Naseerah could stop her and convince her to stay longer). " wait! You didn't even.... Oh, crazy girl," she muttered after realizing that Zahra was long gone.

A/N: Awwn I just love their relationship.
I am sorry for not updating. I've been very busy. I really hope you guys like this chapter. I have numerous plans for this book. Please just bear with me. I would love to know your thoughts on the chapter.

Thank you all for your votes and comments.

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