CHAPTER 11. Haram Police

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Everyone is a genius,but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life thinking it's stupid.
_Albert Einstein


The cool breeze flapped my jilbab as I walked . I decided to walk instead of taking the bus. I just had to get rid of rage that was burning inside of me. Okay... So I get the fact that Jaleel hadn't come to see my dad, but still...? Both Naseerah and Ibrahim are just being paranoid.

My legs began to protest; I could not take it any longer;I hopped on the next rickshaw home. By the time I got home, my jilbab was a mess and my shoes had definitely seen better days.

I sat down on my bed letting out a heavy sigh. Bringing out my phone, I dialed Ibrahim's number. "Asalamualaykum we need to talk".
"Walaykumsalam, I'm all ears" . His voice sounded so cold on the phone, but I could still tell that it was laced with concern. " I want to get married" I said. "Good, I'll find someone" he replied. "No!!... I..have someone. I mean there's someone I'm interested in" I said. The last part was more like a whisper.
"Really? Who? From where?" He bombarded me with question. " take a chill pill Ibrahim. He's name is Jaleel, and I met him at uni" I replied trying hard not to gush.
"Wait... uni? Lagos or London?" He asked. " London, I have known him for a year now". I replied.
"Hold on a second, Zahra a year?, a whole year ? Subhanallah you've been in a haram relationship for a year!!?" He yelled. I stayed silent. "Zahra! answer me!" He continued.
"It's not haram, if he intends to make it halal by marrying me" I muttered.

"You know what, we need to meet in person; But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I would never let you marry someone that is not even man enough to come and see your wali."he said.
"No, Ibrahim that's not happening. you don't even know the guy. You haven't even met him" I started to cry at this point. "I don't need to know him to know that he is bad news. I mean if he can't even fulfill Allah's rights, how is he going to fulfill yours?" He said and cut the call.

This is not fair at all. With tear stained eyes I dialed Jaleel's number.
"Asalamualaykum Zahra, you alright?
" Jaleel, I don't care how you want to do it, but you have to come and see my brother tomorrow" I said. "Oh my days, chill Zahra at least answer my tasleem" he said with every form of nonchalance.
"Walaykumsalam, I will be expecting you at 10:00am". I replied. "Okay Zahra, I'll be there" he said in a mock voice. "I'm serious Jaleel, be there!" I yelled trying hard not to burst into tears. "Wait, Zahra are you crying?" He asked. His tone more serious now.
"His threatening to get me married off!!.I yelled. "Wait, what?" Jaleel replied. "You can't be serious" he continued.
"Just come and see my brother tomorrow " I said cutting the call.


"Asalamualaykum jaleel" I said opening the door. It was such a relief to finally see him after a few weeks. He still looked really attractive. I smiled and let him in.
Only Ibrahim and I were around. My parents went to visit my cousin and they took maryam along.
"Walaykumsalam" he replied staring at me. We were in the middle of a staring contest when someone coughed behind me, interrupting the both of us. "Jaleel, this is my elder brother Ibrahim" I said.
"Asalamualaykum" Jaleel said, stretching his hand foward. "Walaykumsalam" Ibrahim replied, ignoring Jaleel's hand. "Follow me" he said. "And wait here Zahra. No eavesdropping." He said in a very stern voice.

A/N: Asalamualaykum guys, sorry for the late update guys. I have been busy. Alhamdulilah I passed my GCSEs Please just help me manage this one. Thanks so much for the votes, they mean a lot to me. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below👇

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