CHAPTER 3 __ Love Confessions

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Oh you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed,and fear Allah so that you may be successful.
                        ____ Qur'an chapter 3 , verse 200 (surahtul Imran )

Naseerah told Abdullah what she had to and left with Zahra, " you, na cough go kill you" Naseerah said.

"Is it wrong to cough again" Zahra replied teasingly, "you know I can't wait for you to also like someone so that I can tease you about it" Naseerah said.

"You are not serious" Zahra replied, "I am not ready to like anyone now at all, I'm single and not ready to mingle" she continued.  " And besides even if peradventure I like someone, I can never be as bold as you to confess my feelings to him, abadan it's never going to happen not even if the world is coming to an end" Zahra said.

"Really so you would rather die in silence than confess? " Naseerah asked, "is there a crime in doing that?  Zahra replied, " well yes, the prophet (saw) said that there is nothing better for two souls who love each other than marriage." Naseerah replied, "well two souls" Zahra replied,  " exactly how will you ever know if he feels the same way if you don't tell him" Naseerah said, " I don't know I'll make duaa I guess", Zahra replied,           "Whatever" Naseerah replied.

"Seerah" Zahra called, " you know I still have the video" she said, "what video?" Naseerah asked, " your love confession" Zahra replied, " no way" Naseerah replied in disbelief, "yes way" Zahra replied, " you naughty girl" Naseerah replied laughing.

      *      *       *        *       *      

Later that day

Zahra got home feeling pretty tired after a long day, she took out her niqab from her bag and kept it in her secret place, safe away from the prying eyes of her mum and sister. She has been wearing the niqab for six months now and she loves it, her only regret is that her parents would not see the joy in wearing the niqab, they would see it as extremism. Saying no man would want to marry a woman who covers her face.

Rasheedah doesn't like the fact that she hangs out with Naseerah, she feels Naseerah is an extremist and is entirely against her getting married at such a young age.

6 weeks later..........

"what do you mean you don't have a dress?" Zahra asked. " I've been so busy with the preparations that I guess I forgot to buy a dress" Naseerah replied.

" subhanallah, seerah can you hear yourself? What am I going to do with you?" Zahra said in disbelief. " see, that's why I need you to help me pick a dress" Naseerah replied. " Okay, so let's go shopping" Zahra replied.

Naseerah's nikkah was taking place in two weeks, but Naseerah being the kind of girl that she is forgot to get herself a dress.

As usual, Zahra had to come to her rescue, Zahra has always been the more stylish one out of the two, her fashion sense was bold and daring while Naseerah was more of the simple kind.

" uh c'mon seerah pick one already" Zahra whined, " but they're all so pretty" Naseerah replied, " okay how about the red dress, it even has a matching veil" Zahra said, " but its too low cut" Naseerah complained, " honey, you are going to have to wear dresses with lower cuts than that" Zahra replied. " And we still have to get you a new set of underwear" she continued, "what ?" Naseerah said, " just come with me" Zahra said whilst dragging Naseerah with her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     2 hours later

Zahra and Naseerah finally finished shopping and they left for Naseerah's house.

"So we bought two wedding dresses, a new set of underwear, make_up and hair set, and a cosmetic facial kit."Zahra said, "isn't all this too much?" Naseerah asked, "no it's not" Zahra replied.

"Let's just get this wedding over with" Naseerah said, " someone is in a hurry huh?  Don't worry Abdullah isn't going anywhere " Zahra replied winking at Naseerah, "ya Allah! What am I going to do with this girl?" Naseerah replied. "And we still have to prepare for the sister's night" Zahra said, "I know, that's why I have you".  Naseerah replied.


Na cough go kill you: means you will die of cough in pidgin English ( A/N : I'm sure Naseerah didn't really mean that)

Abadan : means never in the Arabic language

Niqab: face covering

Subhanallah: Glory be to Allah.
                      (Also used by Muslims to express surprise)

Nikkah: Islamic wedding

Sister's night: A ceremony which takes place on the eve of the wedding, at the bride's house.

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