CHAPTER 7 _ New Beginnings

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Call to the way of tawheed! the way of the sunnah, and the path of the righteous predecessors . That is the path of true guidance.
_ Anonymous

************************************" Asalamualaykum... I'm home" Abdullah
said. To his surprise there was no response. "Naseerah... I'm home" he said walking into the bedroom. "Oh... When did you get home?" Naseerah asked getting up from the bed.
"Just now, I used the spare keys ."he said. "I am so sorry, I fell asleep" she apologized. "It's alright love" he replied,giving her a small smile and a simple caress on the cheek. "Is there food?I'm famished" .

"Wait!! I have something to tell you" Naseerah said. "Okay" he replied.
She blushed."oh... How do I start?( fiddling with her hands). I guess you must have been suspecting, you know, being a doctor and all." " I am all ears" her husband replied.
In a flash, she wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him. Although he was Surprised by her sudden action he hugged her.

"I'm pregnant!" She blurted. "Hmm..." Her husband looked confused. "What did you say?" He asked. "I...said...I"m ...pregnant...we're having a baby" she repeated. He let go of her and made "sajdah a shukr" ( prostration of thankfulness). Lifting her up from her knees and spinning her around. "You have made me the happiest man on earth" he said, "I love you Naseerah"he said. "I love you too Abu Nuh" she replied calling him by his quniya.

6 months later...
Zahra squealed as she read the last few words of the email: After 6 months of waiting she finally got a reply. "What is it? Why are you shouting?" Her mother asked entering the room. "Mum! Alhamdulilah! I got chosen?" She squealed in excited and hugged her mum.

"Got chosen for what exactly?" Her mother asked. "Psymax! I have been chosen to travel to London to study at the imperial college of London for two years" she said. "Really!! So you are travelling to London?" Her mum said.

"Yes mum" she said. "Alhamdulilah!! My daughter, you have me proud!!" Her mum screamed in excitement. "Let me go and tell your dad. Call Ibrahim ooh. Maryam!! Your sister has a lottery" she said. "Mum it's not a lottery" Zahra replied.


"Hey!!it's just two years... It'll be over in the blink of an eye. Plus we will face time everyday. I promise. " Zahra said. "No! I'll miss you" . "Oh c'mon Naseerah stop being a baby. You're going to have one soon" Zahra replied in an childhish tone. She was at the airport along with her family and friends and Naseerah was hugging her and refused to let go of her. Naseerah was cute and round and heavily pregnant now so she had a lot of mood swings: some of which made her act childish ( in a cute way though).

"Ok missy ... time to go " Ibrahim said. He was traveling with her because of the hadith of the prophet saw where he said a woman must always travel with her mahram . Hugging Naseerah one last time she turned and asked:" maryam won't you miss me?". "I will ; I'm just to excited I get to have a room to myself". She said chuckling. "I am just joking" she laughed pulling her sister in for a hug. "I'll miss you big sis" she said and sighed. "I really will".

Zahra jolted awake as her ears began to burn in pain. "Zahra... Are you alright?" Ibrahim asked his voice laced with concern. "Akhi... It's starting, I thought I'd outgrown it ... But... It hurts so much..." She squirmed.
The aircraft was about to land and her face had become red from the pain. The sudden difference in altitude was causing her excruciating pain. Ibrahim began to soothe her by reciting "ayatal- kursi " in her ear. Gradually the air craft landed and she began to feel better.

"Can I see the baby again? Awwn he's so cute. Allahumma baarik". Zahra squealed. "What are you going to name him?" She asked. "Mas'ab " Naseerah replied.

"Awwn... Like the sahaba mas'ab ibn umayr. Umm mas'ab" Zahra replied.

The baby began to coo. "Bye! We'll talk later in shaa Allah, mas'ab has to eat" Naseerah said. "Okay Asalamualaykum" Zahra replied blowing a kiss. She sighed and shut laptop. It had been three weeks since she arrived and two weeks since Ibrahim left. Naseerah had recently put to bed and the whole family was celebrating. She felt sad that she could not be part of the celebrations. "Oh well..." She muttered.

A/N: sorry for taking so long . I have been really busy.
Ps: this chapter is not edited

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