CHAPTER 1 __Zahra's Struggles

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Zahra stirred in her sleep as the clock struck five , " ya Allah" she gasped as she sat up "oh my lord, I forgot to wake up for tahajjud" she said. She grabbed her hijab and went to the bathroom to make wudhu.

She observed her noafil and did a little bit of adhkaar . " It's 5:30 am and mum and maryam are not up yet" she said referring to her mum and younger sister.

This was the struggle Zahra had to go to through everyday, unfortunately for her her family members are not really religious,though they pray once in a while she still has to drag them out of their beds every morning to observe fajr solah. Well, all except her brother Ibrahim, he is so supportive and he is one of the few people that knows about her niqab. Unfortunately he doesn't live with them anymore, he moved away last year after he got married because he felt that living there would be too crowded for their 3_bedroom apartment.

With Ibrahim gone, there is no one left to support and defend her at home, especially from her mum who feels she is gradually going into extremism.

"Maryam,Maryam c'mon wake up it's time for solah" she said tapping her sister, "this girl sleeps like a log" she thought.

"Okay, okay I am awake you can stop hitting me now" Maryam said sitting up. "What time is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes " fajr time" Zahra replied, "whatever" Maryam said as she stood up to go and make wudhu.

"Now the big gun" Zahra thought, as she entered her parents room, her father was away on a business trip to South Africa so only her mum was around.

"Mum,Mum wake up it's time for fajr "she said as she tapped her mum, "oh God, what is it now, Zahra what do you want?" her mum asked obviously annoyed. "Mummy it's time for fajr solah" she said , this time in a whisper as she was afraid to be shouted at again.

"Is that why you are disturbing my sleep? Don't I know it's time for solah, go away I'm really tired now, when I wake up I will pray" her mum replied angrily.

Zahra sighed as she walked out of the room, this was what she had to through everyday, unfortunately.
She went back to her room, the one she shared with her sister, only to find her sister fast asleep. "To think I was thinking of gisting with this one" she thought.

She decided to check her whatssap messages, maybe Naseerah will be online she thought.

Naseerah was her cousin and although she was a year older than Zahra they were best friends. She is one of the few people who know about Zahra's niqab, being a niqabi herself she supports Zahra to wear the niqab.

Naseerah's parents don't mind her wearing the niqab, and although they might not be very religious they have no problem with whatever their children wear as long as it is modest and islamic.

Zahra : hi

Naseerah : is that your teslim?

Zahra: sorry, Asalamualaykum

Naseerah: just kidding, walaykumssalam how are you?

Zahra: fine, alhamdulillah

Naseerah: How is everything?

Zahra: fine, just that mum refused to observe fajr

Naseerah: you just have to keep praying for her

Zahra: I know

Naseerah: okay

Zahra: so gist me,when is the wedding

Naseerah : in two months time in shaa Allah

Zahra: you must be so excited

Naseerah: of course!

Zahra: lucky devil

Naseerah: you know you too could get married

Zahra: no, I don't think so, and besides I am only eighteen, plus mum would never agree

Naseerah: too young, I'm nineteen for Allah's sake

Zahra: whatever, we will talk later, I'm feeling sleepy.

Naseerah: okay sleepy head, Asalamualaykum

Zahra: walaykumsalam.

She placed her phone beside her bed and laid down to sleep.


Asalamualaykum: greeting, it means peace be upon you.

Walaykumsalam: reply for Asalamualaykum.

Alhamdulillah: we thank Allah or Allah be praised.

In sha Allah: if Allah wills.

Tahajjud: midnight voluntary prayers.

Hijab: head covering.

Niqab: face covering.

Wudhu: ablution.

Solah: daily prayers.

Fajr: one of the 5 daily solah performed at dawn.

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter,please do not forget to vote and comment. It really makes my day.

Also with Ramadan gone,let us try to continue the good habits we picked up in the holy month. We should not let our good habits go along with Ramadan.

May Allah(swt) make it easy for all of us. Asalamualaykum


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