CHAPTER 2 __ Just a Little Cough

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You cannot attain pleasure in the displeasure of the one who created the pleasure.

"Wake up Zahra,its 8 am don't you have lectures today?" Maryam asked, tapping Zahra.

"No Maryam its Sunday " Zahra replied half asleep. "Well wake up, we have to prepare breakfast, and also Ibrahim called, he and Zainab are coming to visit today" Maryam said.

"Ibrahim is coming?!!" Zahra asked jumping out of bed, "is Zainab also coming?" She asked. " is this girl deaf or what?" Maryam replied rolling her eyes.

"Hey" Zahra said throwing a at her, "I am still your elder sister you know, so you have to respect me" , " respect my foot" Maryam replied "you better come to the kitchen and let's think about what to cook" she said as she went out of the room.

Zahra chuckled "what am I going to do with this girl" she thought.
"Asalamualaykum mum" Zahra greeted, "walaykumsalam" her mother replied, "Zahra I have told your sister to put the rice on the fire, go and supervise what she is doing, I want to pray" her mum said.

"Mummy but it's already 8 am " Zahra said, "and what is that supposed to mean" she replied. "I mean the time for fajr is long gone the sun is already up, you should have prayed earlier" Zahra said.

"Zahra are you Allah? Don't you know that I was very tired,you see Allah(swt) understands " her mum replied and started her solah.

2 hours later

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"Mum,Zahra! Ibrahim and Zainab are around" Maryam called, " what are you waiting for? Go and open the door for my son" Rasheedah said.

"Bro Ibrahim how are you? I missed you so much" Maryam said hugging her brother.

"Hi Zainab I missed you too" she said hugging her sister in-law, "what of Bilal ? She asked referring to their 3 month old son. " well my mum is around,so she decided to stay with him" Zainab replied.

"Zainab!! I missed you so much" Zahra screamed in excitement, " I love your jilbab, when did you get this one" she asked, "oh, Ibrahim got it for me" Zainab replied.

"Ibrahim Asalamualaykum I missed you too" Zahra said, "oh you are just noticing me right?" Ibrahim replied his voice filled with sarcasm, "I'm sorry I just missed Zainab alot" she replied, "just kidding,give me a hug" he said engulfing her in a hug.

"Uh .......Ibrahim, you are squishing me" Zahra said, "I guess I just missed my baby sister alot" Ibrahim replied releasing her from the hug.

"Ibrahim!!" Rasheedah said coming out of her room, "my dear son have you forgotten about your mother? I missed you" she said hugging him.

"Asalamualaykum mum" Zainab said, "what would you like to eat?" She asked Ibrahim ignoring Zainab.

Rasheedah never liked Zainab, for no good reason, she just couldn't accept the fact that her darling son refused to marry her friend's daughter because of a woman who wears the jilbab. Ever since Ibrahim introduced Zainab to the family a year ago, dressed in a black jilbab and gloves.

Rasheedah has made it a point to show her displeasure at Ibrahim's. choice, even after a year of being married her behavior towards Zainab was still the same, rude and scornful.

"Mum Zainab greeted you aren't you going to atleast answer her" Ibrahim said, "oh Zainab how are you?" Rasheedah greeted putting on a fake smile, "how is my grand son " she said "he's fine Alhamdulillah"Zainab replied, "let me go and check what the girls are doing in the kitchen" Rasheedah said walking away.


The Next Day

"Naseerah wait up" Zahra yelled waving at Naseerah, she was dressed in a black jilbab and a grey niqab. "Asalamualaykum Zahra, I like your niqab" Naseerah said, "walaykumsalam Seerah ,thank you" Zahra replied.

Zahra and Naseerah have been attending the same university for about three years now, although Naseerah is one year older than Zahra,they're both studying psychology at the university of Lagos.

"So where are you going to?" Zahra asked, "I am going to the healthcare center and I need you to come with me" Naseerah replied, "oh my Allah, is everything okay" Zahra asked .

"Oh I'm just going to see Abdullah, dad wants me to tell him something" she replied, " oh Abdullah huh," Zahra replied teasingly. "Oh it's not what you're thinking" Naseerah replied.

" oh then why are you blushing" Zahra continued, " hey, dad just wanted me to tell him something" she replied, " is the something so special to that you cannot tell him on the phone?" Zahra asked.

"It's not that, it's just that I feel speaking on the phone is not right, like we will be secluded and you know...." Naseerah said, "I'm confused" Zahra replied. "You see, I trust Abdullah, I trust him a lot, it's just that I am scared and I don't trust myself to be alone with him or to even speak to him alone, not until he is halaal for me and I am for him"Naseerah said.

"But you are going to meet him aren't you?" Zahra asked, "exactly, that's why I called you, you will be a third party.

Especially since my annoying brother was too busy to come with me. Besides it's only going to be for like two minutes,in an open place, I'll say what I have to say and leave"Naseerah replied,releasing a breath she didn't even realize she was holding.

"Oh my Allah, you really like him don't you?" Zahra asked, "like who?" they heard a voice say,as they turned back to see Abdullah standing behind them.

"Nothing, no one" Naseerah replied, "Asalamualaykum" she greeted, "walaykumsalam" He replied, "Asalamualaykum Abdullah" Zahra greeted, "walaykumsalam Zahra, how are you" Abdullah replied, "fine Alhamdulillah" she replied.

"Naseerah,I was told you wanted to see me, can we talk in my office?" Abdullah said, "NNo ... We'll stay here" Naseerah replied stuttering, Zahra let out a laugh.

"Zahra is anything the matter" Abdullah asked, "No, just a little cough" Zahra replied trying to control her laughter, it's not everyday you get to see a shy Naseerah.


Fajr: one of the 5 daily prayers observed at dawn

Asalamualaykum:peace be unto you

Walaykumsalam: peace be unto you too, reply for Asalamualaykum

Jilbab: an outer garment worn by Muslim women over their clothing, usually covering from the head to the toes

Khimar: A kind of jilbab

Abaya: an outer garment covering from the shoulders to the toes, usually with a separate head cover.

Alhamdulillah: Allah be praised

Allah: God in the Arabic language


Niqab: face covering

AN: there you have it guys, chapter 2, I'll love to know your thoughts. And please do not forget to vote.

Thank you.


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