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Mr. Dong has just called for the sudden apologize of their children engagement. Yuqi's dad put the home phone down in disappointment. His wife cheers him up but the frowned is still there.

''Honey, It has passed for 20 years already. Look, the kids have grown into their own world. They both found the love of life, we as the older, should stay aside and give them our blessing.'' Mrs. Song told her husband after she gave a cup of tea, his favorite.

Mr. Song always smile whenever he was given his favorite tea.

''Any other men but not that Hong Kong guy. He risked our Yuqi's life. He has a dark past. Our Qiqi would not be happy with him.'' He protested as his wife sighed out loud.

''Look, Sweetie. Love is not blind but it blinds us as a lover. Didn't you see that they are both deeply in love? When Yuqi is in love, everything is her own decision to make, we as the parents has no right to judge. She has done a lot for him but Lucas has also done many things for our princess too.No matter how worst the situation will be, love will always give the happiness. Our child will be happy with whoever she truly love."

Mr. Song looked at his wife then glanced upstairs where her room is. That door, the door that put the privacy between father and daughter, has been locked for a week now, his decision only made her worse and she hates him now.

"About his past, even though it was dark but also beautiful and poor at the same time. Can't you imagine a teen at the age where he needs family support the most? He was so lonely, with no mother to care, father to give life advice and brother to do something fun with? He has a very poor past but couldn't we be glad that he has grown up to be better man? He gave up the revenge and be satisfied with everything he has now, no greed, no power. All he ever need is love and family to love. How could we not approve that? How could we break their pure love?"

Mrs. Song put her hand on her husband just to give him the courage with a beautiful and warmth smile.

" They are just like us when mom protested our marriage because of your unstable business but look! We've gone through together till goal and be with one another till our last breath. That's power of love, honey." She continued as her husband finally remembered their past then realized quickly.

"What should I do now, she hates me!" He faced down on the cup of tea in his hand with a very heart broken sigh followed. A warmth hand on his shoulder charged him up.
"Honey, go tell her now."

"Tell her what?"

"Tell her that you accept Lucas as her partner."


Lucas received a call from someone while he was doing his business in the bathroom. He was about to threw away his phone due to the sudden shocked. The caller was someone he has been calling for a week now, she has finally called back. How could he dare to miss a chance?

The sound of his poundered heart through the ribs could not make it any easier till another call cut off his dialing. Lucas picked up then cursed at the person.

Johnny was that unlucky person. ''Woah Woah, calm down Bro. I have a sudden news for you and that's important.''

Lucas rolled his eyes while feeding himself a spoonful of cereal, to be exact, that has been his lunch for days now. He has lost weights but not confident in both career and love.

''What is that? Be quick.''

''We've found Han Ying's whereabout. Some of us are already after him. I'm calling just for you to prepare for his case.''

''I was born prepared, don't worry about that. Be careful. He has such a smart move.''.

They ended the call as Lucas dressed up to the court, waiting for a good news.

He called her on the way and finally she picked up. His breath hitched for a second when she first greeted him.

The voice, the voice that he has been missed for straight seven days. He's been so miserable without her. He cant imagine future a head without her existence in his life. He would be a death soul.

''You There?'' She asked in a vey low yet worried sound, melting his pure heart right away.

''O-oh yes-Yes!'' he stuttered that he was about to bumped to another parked car in the parking place.

''You okay?'' there she goes again.

''I'm totally fine, you?''

''How could you expect me to be fine, locking myself from the sun for a week?'' this time she raised her voice cutely which made his natural laugh blows out.

''Your decision, princess, and I was the one suffering because you ignored my calls too.''

He opened the door, walking to the elevator in that silent and creepy atmosphere.

He is not careful enough about his surrounding or stalker. He freaking forgets everything due to the excitement talking to her.

That's why he is a victim to this villain who has no mercy on him.

When he took the last step through the elevator, he saw a shadow through the metal glass. His eyes widened when a gun was pointed at his direction. What he has to do?

''Can we meet up?....Hey, You there?...'' Yuqi's voice suddenly became impatient just like he was.

''Listen, Yuqi, I was just okay. I'll talk to you later.''


Just before the call was ended, a gunshot was heard loudly through the line and especially his groaned because she heard it which he doesn't want.

A phone on her hand was automatically dropped to the floor as she rushed to her car in just a bear pajama. She speeds there! She speeds to right where he is, where he is waiting for her.

Be okay Lucas, I'm coming, please have faith in me. Please.

Lucas saw the black covered man rushed away. He waits no more but to give Johnny a sign through his GPS watch.

His hand automatically clutch the wound on his right tummy. He could feel the blood oozing out non-stop. The pain could only increase and that's unbearable. Sweat on his forehead and body was the evidence.

''H-help, s-somebody?''

His eyelids became heavier as seconds passed.


At the very last second, he saw hope. He saw a car coming through and he knew it's her.

''Y-yuqi.'' that is the last smile he gave before he let everything goes.

Life has been hard for him and maybe it has ended here.

Even though it has, but there are two things that he regrets.

First one is not being able to attend Sicheng's proposal as promised and the last is not being able to tell her face to face about his true feeling.

I love you, Yuqi. Forever and always.

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