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Lucas then started to investigate in the garden. He stood right at the window where the murderer was committing his crime. He didn't see any left over shoes traces on the window. That means the killer didn't get inside the apartment and proceeded to kill her.

Johnny has told him that Su Chhing was not death by being poisoned but a fresh wound on her neck was the only evidence that caused her quick death. They have looked for the wound and the doctors assumed that it was a kitchen knife.

Lucas saw the missing knife but he doesn't buy it. He still believed that it was just so coincident. What kind of serial killer who come to kill without getting any weapon with him. Moreover why is he expecting a knife next to the window?

In his perspective, the knife container was moved from the cooking shelf to the window and the person wasn't the one who killed. They were the one who last saw Su Chhing before she was killed.

The murderer is the smart one because he did not leave any traces behind rather than his shoes stamp. Lucas crotched down as he noticed the strange soil on the sandy land of her garden. He examined the different brown soil, eyebrows raised. It is from mountain soil.

Even with this slight evidence, I am still going after you.--he smirked.

After that, he received a call from Yuqi, dusting the dirt from his hand and picked up as fast as he could. ''Right in time, we have to meet up.''
They sit front to front in one of the restaurant. They just finished their own dishes with the following juices. They are now facing each other, feeling the tension up in the air.

Lucas was the first to break out a sound of relief which made the girl losen up a bit.

''I know what you are thinking and you are going to share but stop yourself.'' He blurted out.

Yuqi slowly nodded before sitting straight, leaning her elbows on the table.

''Why?'' She asked in serious, wanting the evidence.

''Look, I cant give you any straight forwards information, I'm afraid I got it wrong. But trust me, you're not going to get into trouble. I'll....''

Their gazes met, waiting for his words. They clearly knew that sharing information about her patient is a forbidden. If Joohyun knew she betrayed her, there is not going to have a good ending between them. Her career will be threatened. But she, right now, has been risking for him. Or for the truth? She is lost.

''I'll protect you.'' her eyes closed and re-open multiple times, not believing what he just said.

Can you?--her insecure mind spoke, her eyes stared straight into his which made her heart uneasy with the outcome. he is telling the truth, he is being honest here. He is not getting her for anything. He just need her help. That's all.

So, what is she struggling about?

Yuqi nodded slowly before taking another sip of orange juice to cool herself down.

''You're right. Joohyun has been hiding something. Being depressed is real but not because of the rumor, it is caused from fear. She has the fear of people approaching her because they will ask her questions she never wants to share.'' She tried to explain even Lucas has understood most of it. Her confirm just added to his confident about the evidence and scene he has in mind.

''Do you perhaps know whether there is mountain here?''

Since he is a new comer, it is a drawback for his duty.

''There is but it is 410km from the center. Why? You want to visit?''

She told him about the Huangshan mountain which is popular for tourist. Lucas shook his head at the information.

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