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It is now late evening. People are crowded in the street with their partners or family.

Lucas is driving Yuqi home after arguing for years. The soft melody has been company them since they first started the engine.

The lady is dealing with the chilling atmosphere, not bother to tell the latter to turn down the AC.

Lucas notices her state, only to roll his eyes at her stubbornness. He then reached to the back seat and grab his thick cover then hand it to his seat partner. Yuqi gladly accepted, wrapping it tightly around her bare thigh as he turned down the AC.

''I don't really understand why work biased woman.'' Lucas blurted out of no where which caught her of guard. ''Huh?''

''I meant, why do they let you wear this thin uniform even in this season. It's freezing.'' He referred to her outfit. Yuqi cant hide her smile, thinking that his speech is indirectly care for her condition.

''What are you smiling at?'' He asked in curious, not noticing how flustered he made her became.

''Nothing.'' she replied and he didn't buy it but let it pass.

''Oh, what are you going to do next?'' She meant their plan which is now going wrong.

''It's the only way to get close to him. I don't think there is another solution but I'm sure that he is one of the cause.'' Lucas shared his idea despite the fact that today he almost got catch.

Yuqi nodded along slowly but her eyes suddenly widened at the sight that her mom is in front of the building, probably talking about her to the aunties downstairs again.

Before Lucas could sense the trouble coming up, he has already stopped the car in front of them then too late to realize that her mom is one of the gossip aunties. He gave the latter a look and she mouthed 'Sorry'.

The aunties has already parted their own way after giggling at the couple in the car which is the reason why Mrs. Song is smiling ear to ear. She then knocked the car window, calling them to get out before her daughter gets some tricks or excuses for him to escape again.


Lucas is now sitting face to face with Mr. Song. He has been watched under the scariest gazes. Yuqi who is sitting beside her dad, said nothing but to feel sorry about the guy.

''Dinner is about to be ready. Qiqi, come and help me.'' Mrs. Song called out from the kitchen.

Lucas quickly gave Yuqi a deep look, asking for her not to leave him as she could only smiled in guilt.

''I'll be back. Hehe''

Now, he is all alone with her dad. He put the newspaper down but the pressure in Lucas could only rise up.

He steals glances multiple times at the middle-age man but quickly look down when their gazes met.

''Say it.'' He commanded.

"Yes?'' Lucas didn't get what he want thus he only asked politely.

''Say it. What are you two?'' What are you hiding from us?'' the question made Lucas relief as he is willing to tell the truth.

''We're just friend.'' He answered but only to get a slam on the table before them. Lucas was a bit taken back at how powerful his answer could transfer someone into a superman.

''You are taking advantage of my daughter, aren't you?'' He gritted his teeth in anger.


''Whatever you're planning to receive from Yuqi, just stop it now before I desperately wring your neck.'' Mr. Song clutched the bottle of water tightly till it spilled out. Lucas widened his eyes.

''S-sir, I don't mean that. Yuqi is a gorgeous and wonderful lady. I would never dare to have that dirty feeling on incredible woman like her. I swear we're just a co-worker. Nothing more, nothing less.'' He told in sincerity as he tried his best to calm his anger.

Mr. Song was just testing him but only to know that they're not a couple. He's a bit disappointed and happy at the same time.

Yuqi came to the scene at the right time, only to witness the tension between them.

''Ehm..Dinner is ready.''
So the dinner talk was going like usual. There were numbers of questions thrown on Lucas, mostly from Mrs. Song about his job, his family background, probably expecting them to be couple or even more than that. While Mr. Song remained the most silent.

It is not just a simple dinner but more like a 'family meeting before marriage' type of dinner.

Time passed quite quick tonight as he is now alone with her. She walked her back to the parking lot as she kept blabbering apologizing words to him.

''I think you should try dating out, Ms. Song Yuqi.'' he jokes.

''No, Men are not trustable.'' she shoot back.

''Right! Like father like daughter, you both don't trust men.'' He remembered the time he was about to get his neck wringed.

''What did you two talk about?'' She stopped him in the middle before scanning his entire body.

''Did he injure you somewhere?'' She said in worried as eyes scans for any possible wound but see nothing on his smooth skin.

Yes, almost. --he joked to himself.

Lucas rolled his eyes and hold her shoulders to keep her in place before leaning a bit closer.

Her doe eyes opened larger.

''If you keep having that set of idea, aren't you afraid of being single forever?''

He knew he's lying. There are plenty of guys who are waiting for their chances to win her heart. It is him who being insecure about his own feeling that when the time comes, will he be able to let her go?

Yuqi pouted at his remark before pushing him back a little. He chuckled out loud which is now so amusing and fantastic.

She was dumbstruck a moment then quickly wake herself up.

''Mom might need help with the dish, I shall go back now. It's quite late. Drive safe. Good night.''

Before he could reply, she is already at the elevator door. He noticed her weird reaction but too late to realize their difficult condition.

He left the building but still look upward to her apartment on the sixth floor.

You're at the valley now, Yukhie. It's about to hang on or to jump.

The feeling he has for her is now become special and soon to be unstoppable. The more he thinks about it, the more complicate it becomes.

Meanwhile, Yuqi has been watching from above. Her heart beats faster when he finally turned his back and slowly disappear in the dark. Dumb questions jumped into her mind like rocket.

What if one day he would never turn back? How will she be? Will she be broken?

The answer is not suitable but she surely knows that she would extremely broke down because now she is at the edge crying even though they're only just nobody.

What is so good about you, Lucas?

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