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It is so dark, so scary, so lonely.

Yuqi wants so much to just close her eyes for a moment.

Countless, useless thoughts are way too much inside her head which are so scary. The more she thought about it, she will get lonelier and lonelier. She wants to meet him right now, wants so much to ask him everything that has been bothering her.

But again, who is she to him? They are absolutely just a friend, nothing more.

They are killing her bit by bit.

Suddenly, the door was opened. Brightness blind her. The familiar figure was dragged into the room, unconscious and shirtless. The guard tied him up next to her before they untie the blindfold.

That is the moment Yuqi could felt her heart dropped to the floor.

There he is.

There he sits right next to her unconscious.

The guard has already left them alone in that small dark room.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out, she became voiceless. What has they done to him. Bruises were seen mostly every parts of his upper body. There are some cuts on his face too.

Her heart aches badly. They are all freshly wounded except that one X wound which is so larger than others. It has already became a mark. This probably not a birth mark. It was deeply cut by something sharp. Her body hair stood up due to thinking about how painful it is.

She also figured something out which made her uncomfortable.

He cut himself?

No other murder would attacks like this beautifully. The wound was planned perfectly in the middle of the chest. And if he asked someone to injure him, they would not likely to do that. It was exactly him who cut himself.

The more she thinks about it, the more she felt insecure about what she's gonna figure out but it leads her till the end.

The reason of a person cutting himself in this strange symbol just because a promise to himself. And that promise is nothing but Revenge.

What is your past? Who are you?

She kept staring at his unconscious figure, wanting him to answer immediately.

Thinking about Han Yang's speech, why would he want to know Lucas's family background? Were their families an enemy in the past? Lucas's appearance bothered them?

Is the name Han Yang called Lucas at the court was his former name? or Is Han Yang mistaken a person who just looks like Lucas?

At the moment, Lucas started to move, eyes slowly opened to the dark room. Yuqi remained unbother but to wait for the moment he finally notice her.

The second their eyes meet, Lucas smiled slightly at the sight that she was not hurt physically. She is sitting right next to him and he makes sure he protect her at all cost.

But her mysterious stare made him uncomfortable. His smile faded away, replacing with a frowned.

''What happened? Did they hurt you somewhere--''

''Wong Yukhie.'' She called.

He was speechless, stunned and scared.

Lucas pretended like he heard some weird name as he chuckled at her. ''What did they do to your head? C'mon, why is everyone calling me that Ukaay name? I'm Haung Xuxi!'' he joked.

Sadly, she didn't buy it. Her serious expression made his laugh died down but to stare back at her fierce gazes, trying to read her mind.

''Stop pretending, Lucas. You're lying right now. You can fool anybody but not me.'' She told him in monotone.

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