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Shanghai--26th January 2019

''Thank you, Senior.'' Lucas ended the call with Johnny after he got the information he needed about Ms. Bae. He took a glance at the yellow note which has her number written on it.

Should I call her or shouldn't I? She might not pick up.

After deciding what to do, he ended up showing himself in front of her apartment building. Lucas took a very deep sigh before directing to the elevator.

He knew that this might be too early to get engaged with Han's family. Although, he isn't really ready, the fate told him to be. It is the only chance to get to study more about the family's problem.

The handsome lawyer pressed the 11 floor button. The door was about to shut when another loud feminine voice was calling out for him to wait.

HIs hand was quick enough to push between the mental door, accidentally touched her hand. Both felt the shocked feeling on their skin before awkwardly separated.

Lucas coughed to break the tension between them, knowing that her direction is the same floor as his.

Unluckily, some brat neighbor kids was playing some pranks on them, thus the elevator has been going up and down for multiples time. Lucas cursed silently under his breath which got the latter attention.

The gorgeous lady whose height is so much shorter than him, glance at his side, catching a sight of his Id-card which took her by surprise. She nervously look up, only to be amazed by his god-damn visual, forgetting the question.

Meanwhile, Lucas sensed her long lasting gaze and it slowly made him uncomfortable as he slowly met her cat-like eyes. It took him by surprise as he slightly jumped.

The lady coughed out the embarrassment. ''I'm sorry, but are you Ms. Bae's private lawyer or Mr. Han's?''

To be honest, as a psychologist, she has to protect her patient from any depression or anything that could probably caused her stress.

Why is she asking something so strange? Is she Ms. Bae's assistant or what? --Lucas though as he eyed her weirdly which made her realize her misstep. She reached out for a hand shake.

"I'm Ms. Bae's private doctor, Song Yuqi.'' Lucas gladly accepts her greeting, giving back this legendary soft smile.

"Oh, Ms. Song, Nice meeting you here! I'm soon to be her new lawyer, Lucas.''

They shared a greeting skin ship, ignoring the tingled touch between both skins.

Just the perfect time, they have finally arrived after so many pranks caused by the neighbor kids.

Lucas rang the bell before he decided to hide on the left which made the psychologist frowned.

''Your first time here?'' Yuqi asked him silently as he slightly nodded.

''My senior was rejected by her multiple times. I guess this is the only solution because I have you here.''

Yuqi was about to ask him why she is the reason but then the luxurious door was opened, revealing a lady in her working suit. Both assumed that she isn't Bae Joohyun.

Before, she could question about Lucas appearance, Yuqi introduced them.

''Sorry for the inconvenient but as a lawyer, we have to help Ms. Bae. In some cases, we need her cooperation. Please let us complete our duty.'' Lucas told the assistant about his company's wish.

Ms. assistant could only sigh which make both guests frowned. ''Joohyun does not trust guy. She kept disappointing your Lawyer Group because she wants to hire a female lawyer.''

Her statement made both gaps slightly before giving each other a small glance. Yuqi knew that he is asking her for help and she couldn't just reject. This is the first time she got distracted and the reason is not the problem. She just has this feeling that working with him might be the best choice right now.

''Uhmm, I can deliver his words if you give him a chance.'' She proudly stated.

The assistant gave Lucas another look before she ended up nodding as reply. They were welcome to the luxurious apartment but the theme is so dark that the sunlight is harder to feel. The atmosphere is quite chilling here that Yuqi tugged her jacket tighter.

They were led to the biggest bedroom as they assumed it is Joohyun's. The assistant told them to wait as she informed her idol first, leaving the two behind.

''Thank you. Dinner tonight is on me.'' Lucas friendly told her as she thought he was bold enough to ask her out already, thus she let out a shy smile. The innocent guy caught the meaning quite late and blushed later. ''It's a grateful dinner, don't misunderstand.''

She has to admit that she was affected but she has to act like she was not. ''I know!''

The assistant came out the door, informing that only Yuqi was allowed.

She might have a deep phobia about something.

Interrupting her thought, Lucas hands her a pen recorder, raising another headset on his hand.

''Don't worry, this will be a secret between us three until the case is solved. I just need more clues. Talk to her casually like you used to and I'll be doing my job there.'' He pointed toward the big comfortable sofa.

Yuqi nodded as she accepted the small device from him. When she was about to goes in, her wrist was caught gently. It is his. She could feel his rough palm on her soft skin as her hair stood up straight for a second till he broke apart.

Lucas took off his thick jacket then hand it to her, she refused, knowing that he is also freezing but the guy stubbornly wrapped it around her shoulder.

''I already ask her assistant for a thick cover and I don't want your conversation to be interrupted later. Just take this before you could come out like a freeze chicken. I'm not expecting you to freeze in the middle of conversation either.''

His statement just made her speechless.

He wants to be sweet then why is he pretending to be rude?--Yuqi rolled her eyes at his masculine back.

Do not ever lie in front of the psychologist. They could read 80% of your mind.


As she expected, the bedroom is much cooler than the outside space. This lady is indeed strange.

How could she survive?

The room is also dark. There is the only yellow light coming from her bed where she is resting, covering under the thick blanket.

''Good morning, MS. Bae, I was invited to be your private doctor, Song Yuqi.'' She greeted as Lucas on the outside started to listen carefully.

The person under blanket slightly move before she decided to sit up, facing the latter.

Yuqi is indeed stunned in place. Her visual is no joke. She is the real definition of beauty even without make-up or in the state like this.

''Suit yourself, Ms. Song.'' Even her voice is compared to the soft melody of heavenly song. The rumor is true. Her real visual is much better than on camera or tv. How could men resist her? and how could a playboy like Han Shin not crave for her?

If I were a boy, I could also fall for her.--Yuqi told herself.

But why a beauty like her deserved to be in this darkness?

Yuqi took a sit beside her bed then got her report out, using the pen Lucas gave her earlier, giving him more access to hear their conversation clearly, especially what she is gonna tell.

''So, Ms. Bae, I'm gonna ask you to tell me everything that has been bothering you. Don't be scared. I would keep this as a secret. If there is some problem you aren't ready, then I'm nobody to force you, but remember, I'm here to help you out as much as I could.''

On the other hand, Lucas was so surprise to hear her soft and gentle voice that could melt heart easily. Not questioning why she is a professional psychologist.

''Now, Ms. Bae, are you ready?''

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