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Weeks past and the pervy sage had returned from his travels claiming he had perfected the Rasengan in records time.

"Look! I did it!" he cheered after he had pulled Minato-sensei away, but as soon as he saw why the toad sage had dragged him away from Guy, Kakashi and I he had returned to us only to pull me by my sleeve.

"Actually Hira here, had done it in record's time." he said pointing to me that fiddled with my sleeve, ever since losing Rin I became much more quiter and just when I started to become more talkative after we lost Obito. I was shy and practically a mute.

"WHAT!" The sage yelled as the spinning air chakra vanished. "Yeah, she mastered it in three days." Sensei said proudly as he placed his hand on my shoulder like a prideful father. "Once again... WHAT!?" the pervy man yelled just before Sensei gave him a closed eyed smile then dragged me back to where the others were waiting in line for the best ramen.

That night Kakashi and I walked back in silence neither uttering a word. If you thought I was bad then don't even try seeing what Kakashi was like now. He just withdrew from the world and just sat around reading books and keeping to himself. "Kakashi?" I finally asked as we entered the apartment we now shared for what felt like a lifetime.

"Hm?" was his only response, more than I had gotten over the last past weeks. He had stopped with his kind gestures of calming down my nightmares at the same time he stopped talking to me.
"Do you hate me?" I asked the question I was wondering about ever since he became so cold and distant.

"No." he vaguely said walking towards his room wanting to get away, but I had enough of this. I was suffering just as much as he was, maybe even more and I hate feeling like he was seeing me as this monster. "It sure feels like it." I stated halting him in his tracks. "I don't hate you, Hira." he said seriously, but softly. "ARE YOU SURE?! BECAUSE YOU ACT AS IF YOU DO!" I yelled finally feeling the bottle of emotion explode.

"I AM HURTING, HIRA!" He yelled back turning around to face me with his visible eye teary, but I was already crying. "AND I AM NOT?" I croaked as I wiped some tears off my cheeks with my sleeves. "WELL NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU! I LOST MY FATHER AND THEN BOTH MY BEST FRIENDS!" He yelled and that shattered my heart. I stared at him with teary and angered eyes. "YOU'RE SO IGNORANT! I NEVER REALLY EVEN HAD A FAMILY AND THE ONE I GOT... I LOST!" I yelled back stomping off to the room he was going to enter, our room. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU KILLED HER!" He yelled striking a very sensitive nerve.

I grabbed a bag and started to through in the very few belonging I had then the copy of the photo that was in the frame above the bed. I practically threw the bag over my shoulder and broke the door as I swung it open.

"I'm sorry for the pain I had caused you." were my last words before I walked out of the apartment and held myself tightly as I walked off. I just kept walking until I was standing right in front of Sensei's door. I hesitated to knock and was about to leave when the door opened to Kushina that seemed to be in a chipper mood. I glanced at her with my puffy eyes.

"Hira?" she softly said before ushering me in. "What's wrong? What happened? Who do I need to kill?" her motherly instincts kicked in as she held my shoulders and crouched down a bit to look me into my eyes.

"It's nothing... Can I stay here for the night?" I asked looking down at my feet too scared to look in my motherly figure's eyes. "Of course! MINATO!" she quickly rushed before calling for her husband who ran into the room a bit frightened by the tone in her voice. "Yes love?" he asked before he spotted his broken student in his wife's arms. "Hira? What's wrong?" he walked over as he placed a hand on her shoulder after Kushina had let go of the girl. Hira faced the two parent figures in her life. "Kakashi and I just had a fight, c..can I stay here... Just for tonight. I'm leaving the village tomorrow." I said fiddling with the little thread that stuck out from my sweater's sleeve. "What! You can't leave town!" Kushina and Minato-sensei said in unison.

"Why not?" I asked looking at them with such intensity still a bit mad and annoyed from the argument I had with Kakashi earlier. "Where would you go?" Kushina asked trying to convince her to stay, "Anywhere and everywhere. I just need a break from Konoha, there's just too many memories." I said a bit sad thinking about my two best friends that a had lost in a time frame of a year or two.

"Just, please stay for another week." Minato-sensei said knowing he wouldn't be able to stop me from going. I looked into the very bright blue eyes before finally blinking and looking away. "Why?" I asked curious to know why he would want me to stay specifically a week.
The married couple looked at one another having what seemed to be a conversation with their eyes whilst glancing every now and again at me.

Finally they faced me once more, "I want you to stay for another week as I want you to be there when I am announced Hokage." Sensei said making my mouth fly open then in seconds it closed to hold the biggest grin ever. I jumped up hugging sensei, but also pulling him down quite a bit as I was still short. "THAT'S AMAZING SENSEI!" I was so happy to hear good news for once after a long and eerie year or two.

Soon Kushina joined the hug and we stood gleefully just in the embrace.

A week past and I had successfully hidden in the apartment of the Namikaze household trying to avoid Kakashi. I even threatened Sensei and Kushina if they told him where I was or if he found out to not let him see or come near me.

I was angry and upset, but mostly hurt knowing his words were true.

I stood infront of the mirror in some comfy yet appropriate clothes as I was leaving today with the pervy sage, whom Sensei had convince to let me tag along and maybe learn a few jutsus from the man

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I stood infront of the mirror in some comfy yet appropriate clothes as I was leaving today with the pervy sage, whom Sensei had convince to let me tag along and maybe learn a few jutsus from the man. "I'm going to miss having you around here." Kushina said as she walked into the room tearing up. I could only giggle at her. "I'm not leaving just yet, so save the tears for later." I joked trying to lighten the mood. Kushina and I had decided to go together to Sensei's ceremony and I'll stand below where everyone else would be as she would join his side.

I stood at the very back out of the crowd and in clear sight from the tower. I watched as Sensei walked up from up on the roof of the Hokage building as he peered down at his village. We cheered him on as we were thankful to have him as Hokage.

Kakashi was somewhere in the front of the crowd and I was really happy that the crowd was very dense so no one would be able to spot me from where I leaned against a building close by. When Minato-sensei and Kushina, that stood next to him, saw me I gave them proud smile as I clapped for them even threw in a whistle. I was overjoyed for them and wish them an epic and good journey.

"It's time to go kiddo," a gruff voice said as a huge hand laid on my shoulder from behind. I turned my head and torso a bit to see the Toad Sage there with a look of sympathy yet pride. I nodded at him before looking back up at the couple on the roof that had an audience going wild for them. With a smile and a salute they knew that I had to go so they nodded with a saddened yet hopeful look before I turned and left.

"I do hope you're ready for this journey kid, because it won't be easy." The sage said as he placed his hands behind his head as if to say he was a pro. "Well, if someone like you can handle it... Then I think I will be fine." I mocked making the man lose his composure as we walked out the gates.

And here was the end of my old life and the start of a much more difficult life...

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