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It was a little bit after sundown and Team 7 was already halfway to the tower not wanting to wait any longer or wait for trouble to find them, they had started right as the sun was starting to set to get to the tower.

They were mostly recovered, but still lacked their full strength, so they just hoped to Kami that no one would interfere in their journey.

"Something's not right," Rin said trying to catch her team's attention. Hira nodded, "Yeah I feel it too." They all stopped on a branch looking over their barings. An almost silent whistling came through the air and Hira caught the object flying to Obito. "Got you!" she said looking between her fingertips to find a kunai knife. "We have company," Kakashi said and we all formed a circle with our backs facing each other. Something came from above the group, but Kakashi saw this and pushed the shinobi away, blocking his attack.

They were surrounded, trapped in like a mouse in a box.

"HA! YOU'RE TRAPPED IN LIKE A MOUSE IN A BOX!" an evil cackle ran through the forest.

*Hey! That was my line!*

The groups hold on their weapons tighten. Soon dozens of shinobi came at them, splitting the group up once more. Rin and Hira were together, but they didn't know if Kakashi and Obito were together. "There's too many of them!" Rin yelled over the clashing of metal. "Okay, I'm going to try something okay so stay close to me!" the Hyuga yelled and felt Rin moving closer just as the fighting stopped for a moment as the men tried catching their breath. "I hope this works, I haven't tried doing it with someone else yet." Hira mumbled under her breath, "But this is a good time to try."

Hira activated her Byakugan and took the stance of her clans most strongest defense Jutsus. As the men came at them again and Rin was about to fight a chakra like shield surrounded them.

"Eight Trigrams Large Palm Rotation!" Hira yelled then with the last bit of her chakra she used another Jutsu of her clan one that will help as her opponents were recovering and coming back for more. "Rin I might pass out from chakra loss, so you are going to have to help the boys on your own," she said to her friend before activating the Eight Trigrams.

"Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!" she yelled and hit each opponent coming at them. She hit their chakra points and some other vital places disabling them and making some pass out and Hira soon followed when all their opponents were done along with her chakra.

Rin caught her before she hit the ground. "Thank you, Hira. Now it's my turn to help you." Rin smiled warmly at her friend even though she knew she couldn't hear her, but somehow a hearable exhale was able to tell her everything what the girl would say.

Rin slung Hira's arm over her shoulder and had to drag her friend back to the boys as she wasn't strong enough to pick her up as well as her shoulder hadn't fully recovered yet. When she reached the two boys they had just finished their last opponent. They turned to the girl struggling to keep her friend up. "Rin! Hira!" Obito yelled out and when he saw the girl coming into view, he and Kakashi ran up to her. "What happened to her?" Obito asked looking her over. There were a few new minor scratches, but nothing that would cause her to pass out. "She used too much of her chakra to defeat and protect us," Rin said running her hand over her crossed arms, she was embarrassed that Hira had to protect her like that and she was also worried for her friend. "Come one, we still have to keep moving," Kakashi said and then threw Hira's right arm over his shoulder and Obito took her left arm. They were tall enough to have her tippy toes just barely touching the floor. They all walked a while not able to jump in the condition they were in. Kakashi soon stopped.

"This is ridiculous, Obito help me with Hira. I am going to carry her on my back," he said and Obito took offense. "No!" he yelled pulling Hira away from Kakashi. The grey-haired boy looked at him funny. "Why not ?" He asked crossing his arms as he watched the Uchiha struggle to keep himself up with Hira. "Because.... I can do it!" he took offense and Kakashi shook his head. "This is stupid and pointless Obito. You can barely even stand with her and not to mention you have a hurt leg." Kakashi said and then pointed to the boy's leg he had tried to avoid putting any strain on it.

"Rin, why don't you help with Obito and I'll take Hira. That way we can get there faster." he finally got through to the Uchiha and he helped to get Hira on the Hatake's back and Rin hooked Obito's arm around her should to support him.

Hira's PoV:

A rude awakening came to me, as the my stomach grew hungry and my throat was dry. It was dark where ever I was and quite cold. But there was something warm holding me, making me snuggle more into it. The smell was so good, it was a forest smell reminding me of Kakashi. My eyes fluttered open and looked straight into a body. The clothing being black shirt and brown leather straps crossing over the shirt. I sat up looking at the source of my warmth. Kakashi sat there leaning against a wall with his head laid back asleep. I looked around to see that we were in a temple-like place, the tower. I didn't see my other two teammates nearby and that got me anxious. "Did something happen to them?"

And as if he heard my thought he spoke. "They went out to get some food," Kakashi spoke not opening his eyes. "A... And why was I a..asleep y..your lap?" I stuttered feeling a vigorous blush spread over my face. He opened an eye then closed it after looking over me. "You were cold, started to shiver in your sleep. I couldn't have you dying of hypothermia, now could I?" he said casually and that had me blushing even more.

"Oh, Hira, you're awake!" Rin cheerfully said and ran up to the girl engulfing her in a bear hug. "I wanted to thank you for what you did for me two days ago."

"Wait... Two days ago!?"

When Rin had let me go I took a hold on her shoulders. "I was out for two days!?" Rin nodded with wide eyes surprised at her sudden burst. "That means today is our last day! So why are we still here?" I asked looking around the empty halls. "Well we can't continue if one of our comrades are unable to do so too. So we were waiting for you to wake up then we could open the scrolls with you passed out." Obito explained a bit behind Rin. He walked around her and placed a hand on the Hyuga's shoulder, "So now we can continue on."

They explained the rest of it all that I had missed, from what we needed to do and why we had taken cover in the temple. We were now in the middle of the room with our gathered things. The scrolls on the ground so we could just roll them open at the same time.

"1..." Rin said
"...2..." Obito said
"...3..." Kakashi said
"Now!" I yelled and we threw open the scrolls.

Smoke surrounded us and when we looked back to where the scrolls were we found, "Minato-sensei!?" we all yelled in question.

"Ahhh, you guys finally made it," he said with a smile. Hira blush, "S...sorry, that would be my fault for being late." she looked at the floor with interest and embarrassment. "Oh, is that so?" Minato-sensei said and I nodded while my team shook their heads. "Actually, Hira was the one to help us pull through," Obito said with a smile as he stepped towards the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah! She saved my life... Twice!" Rin said placing a hand on her other shoulder. "And she was a pretty good leader," Kakashi said to the side, not going closer. "Hm, well congratulations on all of you, you all made it to the last test. You may rest until we come and get you." and before he was going to poof away he turned to face the group. "I am so proud of all of you." He grinned brightly before disappearing. I turned to the group and with a smile and pulled them all into a group hug. "Aww, I love you guys!" I was so happy at that moment.

*Sorry short Chapter!
I just liked this as the ending.
So yeah!

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