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I couldn't fall asleep, my mind was on 'Mission Mode' as Hiashi use to say when I had told him of this sleeplessness I experience during overnight missions. I glance up at the tree Kakashi was in, he sat with one leg swinging from the branch the other propped up on the branch. He rested an arm on it while he twirled a kunai in his other hand. 

The full moon was shining brightly over us as if the sun was out so I could see even without my Byakugan. I looked up at the sky feeling a cold wind blowing making a shiver run up my spine. It was quite cold out and not having sleeves was a stupid idea, at least my sleeping bag was warmer not warm enough though. I glanced back at Kakashi to see him give a minor shiver, "He's going to catch a cold if this continues." I mumbled to myself, so soft that even with the dead silence nothing was heard, probably just sounded like a deep breath being released. 

I came to my decision as I sat up and unzipped my sleeping bag fully, making it in a makeshift blanket I grabbed my water bottle as well. I pulled it over my shoulders and headed over to the shivering shinobi, pushing Chakra to the bottom of my feet I walked up the tree to the branch Kakashi was sitting on. He glanced over to me, probably saw a moving figure that had caught his eye. "Hira?" He asked, his voice a bit hoarse, "Why are you up, it's still my shift." He said looking up at the moon to see if he was correct. 

"Well, I can't sleep more than 3-4 hours during times like these. Usually during overnight missions, so I decided to take over or just keep you company." I said and then held out my water bottle, "And by the sound of it, it seems you are in need fr some water. Mind if I join?" I asked gesturing to the part of the branch his leg was resting on. He didn't answer only moved his leg and sat facing the tower feet dangling off the branch. I slightly jumped onto the branch joining him. "Here..." I said offering him my water bottle, hesitantly he took it. "Thanks." He said and took a big gulp of water. "You can finish it if you want, I can just refill it in the morning before we leave," I said when I saw him staring at the water bottle contemplating whether he should drink more or not. He took a glance at me and I just smiled reassuringly at him. 

He took the last bit of water from the bottle before handing it back to me, another breeze came through leaving Kakashi trying hard to hide his shivering. I took a glance at him as we were both facing forward and without looking I draped one side of my makeshift blanket over his shoulders making him jump away. "What are you doing?" He asked in a whisper as if I had offended him. "Your cold," I said, but he glare at me. 

"Nice try, you just want to get closer to me," he said on guard making me roll my eyes. "No, idiot. I am just helping you avoid a nasty cold." I countered and looked away as I was about to hit him off the branch for thinking that all I wanted was to get closer to him like I wouldn't mind getting closer to him but I know when I can and when I shouldn't. "Sorry." He said and I looked back at him shaking my head. "No, I should apologize. I wasn't thinking how you might feel about it since you are followed by fangirls daily which in my opinion is just wrong." I said shaking my head and the image of the fangirls, "Plus I know that it's frustrating how they act, the boys are the same. Sometimes they can get a bit aggressive when rejected." I confessed looking down at the zipper, finding it all of a sudden very interesting. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump slightly but relax when I realized it was just Kakashi. His hand was cold, I could feel it as it sunk through the material of the sleeping bag. I reacted without realizing, My hands shot out to his hand on my shoulder grabbing it into my warm grasp. "You're freezing," I said trying to warm his hand when I realized what I was doing my cheeks heated up and I retracted my hands. "Sorry," I said looking to the side down at the campsite.

The two were still fast asleep, Obtio sprawled half out of his sleeping bag and Rin in curled up for some heat. Those two would make an amazing couple, unfortunately, Rin only had eyes for Kakashi and had thrown Obito in the friend zone. Poor fellow never even had a chance and don't stand a chance now. 

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