Christmas From the Grump

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It's Christmas! Arthur was beyond excited. It honestly had to be one of his favorite times of the year. The lights that flipped back and forth between the glistening green and piercing red colors, the shimmering wrapping paper with trees and tinsel on top of them, the hot cocoa, and being with the ones you care about close to you. Only there was one problem. The one person he was visiting this year was not, particularly in the holiday spirit. According to Roz, it was a senseless holiday that mortals use to praise the wrong Gods and spend money.

This was his first year being with the God around the holidays, so he didn't want to spoil the fun. He just decided he would show up and act like it was any other day of the week. Roz and The Halfling were at the point were they were hanging out at the Roz's house even when it was Arthur's day off. Roz said he wanted Arthur to be more himself, so that's exactly what he was doing. He usually would go over and have a day that was not as formal, laid back, and lastly end up with Arthur getting eaten. He still didn't like it, but The Titan did keep his promise and stop doing it against the little guys will.

Arthur used his passageway to get into the Roz's domain of living. He didn't see him at first. He looked around the room and there wasn't even a sign of him. He propelled his body out of the passage and walked across the floor looking around for the slightest sighn of Roz.

He easily located the expansive wooden table and chairs. They both reflected like they were hand-made. He even noticed the cabinets that probably contained a few jars of sacrifices than a shanty looking fridge off to the side. There were no decorations, no tree, no presents, just like he thought it would be like.

" Roz! You home?!"The Halfling peered around and noticed there was a cup upon the table." If it's warm, that means he's still here." Arthur ran over to the worn down wooden table and carefully climbed up using the legs. He would use the jutting out splinters and cracks in the old wood to hoist himself up on the platform taking him only five minutes to reach the top.

Arthur flopped his body up onto the table, he hated when he had to do this on his own. He rested on his back and took a long breath to help him collect his thoughts and process the situation. Arthur slowly pushed his body up and approached the mug made for a giant.

Upon touch, it was only warm. Not scorching hot like it was just made, but not sitting there for hours.

Arthur looked around and couldn't help himself, Roz was not present...sooo why not?

He climbed up onto the rim and cautiously bent down cupping his hands and slowly placing them into the warm, brown, rich liquid and wobbly stood up.

The Halfling savored the drink in his hands allowing his eyes to grow big. It was astounding. He didn't know what Roz did to the liquid, but it was no regular hot chocolate. The chocolate itself was rich and creamy, it definitely was not powder from a package. There was a hint of mint or something strong, maybe it was mint chocolate or knowing Roz it was an added in alcohol drink with mint-infused in it. Arthur bent down to grab another hand full suddenly feeling a massive thunder all around him. From that thunder came a vibration that was so powerful it traveled up the table and made Arthur lose his perfect balance.

It continued for a time, and with every step Arthur could just feel the power behind it. The messenger attempted several times to catch his balance, but after three strong thumps, he couldn't last any longer. He tumbled straight into the brown liquid head first. His body dipped into the warm murky liquid so suddenly and came floating back up as if he was super buoyant. 

It was obvious he was not going to get help anytime soon, so he calmed himself and just floated for a time, since it was obvious by the vibrations Roz was home. All he had to do was wait for his friend to come by.

Roz tiredly walked into the room, because why be active on a day like this? He sat in his creaking chair with a thump causing more vibrations to happen resulting in several waves to bash against the walls of the hot chocolate. They went over poor Arthur's head causing him to cough.Roz lowly brought the cup up to his face and immediately noticed the little creature within his glass that did not belong. He grinned and raised the glass up even higher to meet his face.

He knew where this was going. "Alright. Yes, I'm stuck in your hot chocolate, just get it over with."By now he knew where it always headed when he was too close to the Titian's food. He really didn't care today either since it was Christmas, let Roz enjoy himself.

The tiny closed his eyes to prepare himself to go down the hatch with the sweet chocolate; he knew it was too tempting for Roz.

He then felt his clothing being pinched and raised out of the coffee mug. Roz dangled him in front of his face asking in a sarcastic manner "What exactly are you doing Arthur?"

" Well I was bored today, so I came to visit you, then one thing lead to another, and now I am in your cup. Too many details to go through, to be honest."

Roz dropped Arthur into his palm instead of in his mouth, which surprised him the most. The God then stood up a bit to dig something out of his pockets. " I know it's somewhere in here," he mumbled while acting like they were endless batches and wholes too big to find something.

Arthur leaned over Roz's hand edge to answer his curiosity, just trying to catch a peek at anything.

Roz jerked his hand to cause Arthur to fall back onto his palm and gave him a glare.

" Here we go," he replied.

He pulled out a wrapped gift from his pocket. Arthur could tell it was not the best wrapping job. It was torn at some parts and there was too much wrapping paper used, but in His eyes, it was perfect.

" Here." he gently dropped it to Arthur then placed both the present and The Halfling on the table.

Arthur pointed to himself than the gift like he was confused.

Roz waved his hand at him gesturing for him to just do it. " I can take it back?"

Arthur clung to it for dear life saying no. He rushed up and tore off the wrapping on the present, not saving any of the shiny snowmen and ripping them in half.

Arthur finally came to a box, basically ripped it to pieces to unseal the secrets inside.

He held up a brown satchel bag that was similar to the one he currently has looking at it all weird and confused.

" It's a bit bigger then yours and has more pockets. It seemed your current one was getting worn out." Roz replied running his hand down the back of his neck.

Arthur knew Roz tried his best with this. He wasn't usually the type to just  give into the season, so the gesture itself matters the most, he didn't even care about the gift. " Thanks."

The Halfling placed the new satchel bag around his shoulder and gestured for Roz to place his hand down on the table.

Roz was a little confused but obliged. He placed his hand down and allowed Arthur to walk into it. Arthur then closed his eyes with one hand and walked off landing right in the hot chocolate once more. " Alright...I'm ready."

Roz picked up the hot chocolate and instead of taking Arthur out like last time he started to drink the liquid sucking Arthur along with it.

The Halfling allowed all actions to happen without complaint. This was his gift to Roz.

Arthur went into his mouth easily. When most of the hot chocolate was gone, he yelled up to Roz. " Merry Christmas big guy!"

Roz licked his lips smiling replying back with a " Merry Christmas Arthur."

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