"I shall be with you momentarily, Casper. Please use some modicum of caution." So saying, Balor darts inside.

     "Yeah, yeah," Casper mutters. He heads back inside, intending to make full use of what little time he has until Balor comes to coddle him some more. Taking a gander to his right, there's a mighty attractive door close by. Lets see what's lays in wait beyond.

     Immediately after, Casper realizes he's stumbled upon Myr's room; the whole place reeks of him and the empty bottles piled in the corners serve to reinforce this conclusion. You'd think he collects used chamber pots or something. Bets are off whether the smell is coming from the pile of soiled sheets sliding off the bed or elsewhere.

     Balor comes up behind him and closes the door for him while his eyes are busy watering. "I suggest you use more caution whilst roaming in the upstairs area," the old man lectures. "There are some places that would prove hazardous to your well being should you chance upon them and I would be at a loss to see you come to ill, Casper."

     Right. Note to self: don't go into Myr's room. God knows he's already on Myr's shit list without giving him a reason. Casper can only imagine what the drunk would be like if he suspects he's been rummaging through his things (not that he has an inclination to do so); Casper is also perfectly happy to leave the outcome in his imagination alone. There's nothing good that could come of it, of that he is sure.

     "Then what's there around here that I can see?" He asks.

     "Ah, well," Balor hums and haws, "at the far end of the hall this way is the nursery," he points.

     "In case you haven't noticed old man, I'm a little too old for that sort of thing," Casper deadpans.

     "Are you now?" Balor blinks. Now he's just rubbing it in.

     "Uh, excuse you!" Casper snipes. "It ain't my fault I'm short!"

     "I meant no offense to you, Casper. I am merely finding myself at a loss as to your customs here. That is all."

     "Oh." Well then. If it's a foreigner thing and Balor isn't insulting him on purpose, then Casper supposes he can let it slide. Kinda feels bad for lashing out like that now. "I guess everyone looks like they're in diapers years to you, eh?"

     Balor smiles ruefully at that. "I would not exaggerate so; however, I cannot deny that there is some truth in that... On the topic of, how old are you Casper?"

     The question catches him off guard, freezes him on the spot. "Oh. Uh..." He fiddles with the hem of his shirt. "I dunno. Years and then some?" He doesn't much like the curious look Balor's giving him. "It's not like they gave me a date or nothing," he explains, "and I sure as hell don't recall it happenin'."

     "Language," Balor comments absentmindedly. "Why am I not surprised to hear it so?" He says at length. "Not a name, not a date, but a sharp tongue that makes up for all things lacking." He shakes his head at the folly of it all. Seeing him like this does funny things to Casper; he doesn't like it at all.

     "Eh," he shrugs, "it wasn't all that bad. Gotta say, havin' a proper name for once is pretty handy," he adds to lighten the mood.

     It works. Balor perks up. "I take it that you like it then? It gladdens me to hear it."

     Balor takes over the tour from then on, showing him the highlights of the house, dissuading him from trying to touch the chandelier hanging over the stairs, pointing out which rooms to avoid.

     "That one your room then?" Casper asks, all too sympathetic for the need to keep one's own space secure.

     "Ah, no, it is not. It is for... something else," Balor glowers something fierce before brushing the thought aside. "I have my lodgings above in the loft, the entry for which being over yonder," he indicates the hatch in the ceiling above, not far from the stairs. "Would you be interested to see that as well?" He offers.

     "I, uh- No thanks," he balks. Didn't expect Balor to trust him that much. Then again, it's hardly likely he'll be able to sneak up there by himself, what with the hatch up so high. Nonetheless, it's the principle of the matter that counts. If Balor lets him up there, he going to expect Casper to reciprocate in kind and show him where he's been holing up this past while. Casper's not wanting that kind of obligation. So, no. He's going to pass on that.

     "Very well," Balor nods. And that's the end of that.

     Balor shows Casper downstairs and the day passes as usual. Myr comes back tipsy a little after sundown; Casper makes himself scarce but watches him stumble his way to the study downstairs, where he presumably passes out for the night.

     Just another ordinary day in Glenholm.


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