Day Twenty Two - Afternoon and Evening

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     Something strange is starting. A certain restlessness amongst the locals, a certain malaise in the air. Hard to put a finger on what, exactly, is causing it or where it's coming from, but there's definitely something afoot. Chances are second to none this was what Curly was referring to about a week back, something about the trouble that goes on in the summer. Well, wouldn't you know it, the air is getting noticeably warmer, summer just around corner, and now no one lingers on the streets like they used to. People take their conversations inside with them, wary of new the faces in the streets. They keep vigil on Smith's out of town associates, much like they did when Casper was their person of interest.

     Needless to say, something's going on, but it's happening in places Casper isn't privy too, places he can't pry into. Not without attracting a lot of attention, that is. He's getting very, very curious about the whole thing and that doesn't bode well for him. He knows all to well from past experience what a dangerous thing curiosity can be, but sometimes he can't help himself. What he can do is be sneaky about his snooping so he's not as likely to get caught. That's what his spies are for.

     Davis rounds them all up before they split for the end of the day this time. That's never happened before, and certainly not this early. Apparently, he has a big announcement to make. Odds are second to none, in Casper's reckoning, this has everything to do with whatever it is that's going on. His bet is dead-on.

     "Right, so, as you all know, it's that time of year again, which means we have to disband for awhile until everything settles down." There's much whining and complaining among the ranks, least of which is coming from Casper who's standing there in stunned silence. He's going to have a much harder time going around town without the camouflage the group provides. "I know, I know," Davis mollifies the unhappy crowd, "we have to stay put until everything's over and that's no fun, but that's the way it goes. You know the drill. Those of you out in the fields don't got a whole lot to worry about. Those of you in town however, well... it goes without saying you'll be staying put for awhile." More protests from the crowd. "What're you lot griping at me for? I'm not the one to blame here!" No, however he is a convenient target and, therefore, the next best thing. Seeing that the crowd can't be placated, Davis shakes his head and makes haste to wrap up his speech. The last few points boil down to common sense advise: don't look for trouble, don't be out at night, stay away from the strangers in their midst, keep off the streets as much as possible, and, whatever you do, keep away from the witch man and his devil.

     Given that Casper's already gone against most, if not all, of what Davis suggests, there's not much point in listening to him now. It's a lost cause really. No point in salvaging the situation; there are some things that can't be fixed no matter how hard you try. Casper's precarious situation in Glenholm just so happens to be one of those things.

     Meeting adjourned, Davis formally dismisses the Brigade, then goes off on his own way, Lard-ass tailing after. If there's one thing Casper won't miss, it's having to stare at Lard-ass' ugly mug day in, day out. Given the parting glare Lard-ass gives him, the feeling is mutual.

     That bit of nonsense having been dealt with, Casper wastes no time letting his little helpers know he wants to hear the latest before they all go their separate ways.

     Now here's a thought: with the Brigade disbanding, Casper's effectively lost his information network too. Who knows when they'll see each other again? Will he be gone before the Brigade reconvenes? It's sobering to think this could very well be the last time Casper sees these friendly faces. Better enjoy it while it lasts, better make use of them while he can.

     He'll be alone again soon.

     They shuffle off to their usual meeting place at the edge of no man's land, right where the fence around Farin's orchard is broken. The others chat and jest in an easy ebb and flow around him. For all intents and purposes, it should be another day like any other, but Casper finds himself more subdued than usual. He keeps going over what he should say today, as if it deserves something special, except there's no real need for it... Is there? Davis did, didn't he? He had a big-ass, long-winded speech prepared and everything. Why shouldn't Casper do the same?

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