Chapter 9: Didn't Mean It.

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Camille's POV ; In The Car ; 10:55 pm.

I have been thinking of ways to track Roc's dad down, but I noticed I don't have my computer anymore, and I don't have my phone. I probably can get it back. I mean I most likely won't leave Roc unless I am forced to, but mostly I won't. The more and more time I spend with Roc, the less I miss Jaden. To be honest, I don't want to leave Roc. Even though we've already had our ups and downs already, I want him. Only him. It's always been him. I just didn't think about it clear enough.

"What's your dads name?" I asked.

"Michael August." he says. He seems pretty mad when he said that. Maybe I should quickly change the subject.

"Oh, can I have my phone back?"

"Why?" he said. He stopped the car. The car jerked, causing me to fly out my seat. Luckily, my seat belt was on or else I would've suffered a coma. His eyes stared at me for a moment. "I thought you said you weren't going to leave me."

"I'm not, I think you should trust me now after what we've been through for the past COUPLE OF DAYS."

"I don't know..."

"So, I can trust you, but you can't trust me? Okay." I turned myself around facing the window. I didn't even want to look at him. I trust him on not leaving me, but he can't trust me? I see how this is gonna go.

"It's not that I don't trust you Cam, it's just-"

"I don't even want to hear it."

The whole ride was quiet. We showed up to this huge hotel. I forgot, Roc robbed a bank. We got out the car. He tried to rap his arm around me, but I pushed him away. He sighed. We walked up to the front desk. There was a lady there. She was gorgeous. She looks like one of those Victoria Secret models. Light-skinned, light brown eyes, long hair, everything. Her hair looks like weave though. 

"How may I help you?" she said looking down at her computer. She looked at Roc and her faced brighten up. She gave him a big flirty smile, and twirled her hair with her finger. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Roc shot a smile back at her.

"Can we have the biggest suit you have?" he says.

"Yep, that'll be 1,500 dollars, but I'll cut it short to $800.00 because you're cute." she says flirting with him. He did his little flirty chuckled. Way to making me feel good and beautiful Roc.

"Thanks." he handed her cash. Her eyes widen. 

"Mmm, a man with money. Me likey." she whispered.

I'm ready to come across this counter and choke her.

"Here is your room key, have fun." she says, she winks and him and shots back a smile.

"Thanks." he says laughing. I make a puking sound loud enough so they can both hear how disgusted I was. Roc and I went to the elevator.

"I see someone is jealous."

"Whatever Roc."

Hotel Room ; 12:30 am.

This hotel is really big. I love it. One thing there's only one bed. I'm not sleeping with Roc. I'm mad at him for flirting with that girl. I took a shower and sat on the bed and watched tv. 

"Cam, please talk to me. You can't stay mad at me forever."

"You're right. I can just leave." 

I started to head out for the door, but Roc grabbed my arm slammed me into the wall.

"You promised you wouldn't leave."

I began to get scared. I didn't mean literally leaving him. I meant to another hotel room.

I'm Crazier Than You Think.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ