Chapter 7: Hide Your Girl.

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Roc's POV ; At Home ; Midnight.

Camille finally fell asleep. I feel pretty bad for just making her leaving her house. So tomorrow, I'm taking her shopping; but since I don't have any money, I'm going to go rob a bank. I get dressed in all black, with a mask covering my face. I get a hammer. Only being able to see my eyes, nose, and mouth. I got me a big, huge bag, making sure I can pack as much money as I can. I checked on Cam one more time and kissed her. Then I left.

I drove all the way to Bank of America. Which was only 15 minutes away. Good thing no one was there. I mean who would be at the bank at 12:30 am? The door was lock. So I got a hammer to bust through the glass. The alarm set off. I hurried to the back of the store and found a lot of 100 dollar bills. I could hear the cop car alarms in the background. So I stuffed at least 10,000 dollars in there. A lot in such a short period of time right? I'm use to being quick. My goal was 15,000, but I don't have enough time. I hurried back into the car and speed off back home.

When I was in the car I got a text from Princeton. Remember that crew I use to be in? Yeah, he was the leader. Ray was the co-leader. Prodigy is in my place, to be honest. What does he want now? He called me earlier. Knowing I was out of the crazy house. He wants me to join back in that crew, but I refused. He didn't defend me when I was going into that house and this boy has the audacity to ask me to be in his crew again. Hell no.

Aye, I saw that girl Camille. She's pretty fine, man. You gotta let me have her. I already know you won't be good taking care of her. So why do you need to have her? She'll make a good sex slave. >:)

What? No, if he puts even one finger on Camille. I swear, I will kill this nigga. I'm crazy enough to do it. I love Camille. I can't stand her loving another man that I don't even know, so what makes Prince think he can have her? He doesn't deserve her at all. Maybe I won't be the best person to take care of her, but no one will ever love her like I do.

Don't you even dare coming near her. I sent him back.

We'll see. he replied.

I speed home. Making sure Camille was okay. I don't want any of the gang touching her. I thought they were my friends, but they're not. Plus, Ray and Prod are nothing but followers. I can't stand them at times. It took me a lot to not punch them back when I was in that crew. The Lord gave me the strength.

I finally made it home in time. I thought everything would be alright, but when I stepped inside the house, I knew something was wrong. I could just feel it in my gut, plus it was too quiet. I ran upstairs, to see Camille still sleeping peacefully. She looked like no one has touched her since I left. I smiled because she looked so adorable. She was curled him, she looks like she needs someone to cuddle up with. I took a shower to get the smell of sweat off of me. Camille doesn't need to know about this robbing bank thing. I got in bed with her. Holding her from behind. She turned around, still sleeping, and put her head on my chest. I loved this position. I never want to let her go. 

Next thing you know I hear a BANG downstairs. Not loud enough to wake Camille up though. I grab my gun from under the bed and walk downstairs. I turn on all of the lights. It's too early in the morning for this. It's 1:30 am. I look to see nothing. I'm not scared at all. I've killed someone before. I  heard the bang again, but from behind me. I turned around, holding my finger on the trigger. I saw nothing, but a note on the wall. I grabbed it and read it:

Oh you thought I wasn't in the house? Oh yes, I was boy. Remember, I still have the crew. They'll kill you in a split second. I have more people that have joined. So you don't just know Ray and Craig. Camille will soon be mine. You can't stop me. When I kissed her in her sleep, she thought I was you. Not for long. She's gonna wish she's mine. Even though she's gonna be my sex slave. She'll probably like it when I show her a fun time. You screwed up big time sending that text to me. Enjoy your last few days of living, because it will be your last.

I'm Crazier Than You Think.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang