Chapter 4: Second Thoughts

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Camille's POV.

We made it. To this house. I have no idea who's house it is, but it's huge. Looks pretty, spiffy, I should say.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"A house. Don't worry, you are save with me." Roc said.


He got out the car. Making me think he was just gonna leave me in the car alone, but he came and got me out the car. He picked me up bridal style and brought me into the house. I thought the outside was spiffy, but the inside left me speechless. It's amazing in here. I love it.

"I see you like the house, don't get use to it, because we'll only be in here for a couple of days." he admitted. "Are you hungry."

"No." I replied. How can I have an appetite when I'm scared. I mean he is being pretty welcoming, but I'm still scared he might hurt me.

"Look, I'll be nice and untie your feet, but your hands stay tied." 

So all I can do is walk? Yippie? I can even feel the blood not being able to circulate to my hands and feet because the ropes are so tight. He untied my feet. Felt so much better.

"Are you sure you're not hungry, before I .... kidnapped you... I got McDonalds."

"I'm sure." 

I walked into the living room and laid down. How am I gonna get out of here?

"I think once you stay here after a few days, you won't actually want to leave me."


"I'm still crazy, but not as crazy as I use to be."

"Roc shut up. You kidnapped me and you tell me you're not crazy anymore?"


"Whatever. Where's the bed? I'm tired.." 

"Upstairs and door to the left."

I began to walk upstairs, but as I was walking Roc said...

"You look beautiful by the way, not that you never do, but..." he said shyly. 

I turned around and looked at him wierd.

"Thank you.." I said. "I think." I murmured continuing my  way up the stairs.

I went into the room and saw this huge bed. It looks so comfortable, but how can I get comfortable with my HANDS TIED BEHIND MY BACK?! Ugh. I kicked off my shoes. I got in the bed anyway and tried to get as comfortable as I could.

- Middle of the Night.

I woke up in the middle of the night with Roc's arms wrapped tightly around me. He was shirtless, basically naked, he just had boxers on.

I mean I actually kind of like thi-

Wait, did I just think that? No, this boy just kidnapped you. I turned around and looked at him.

But he does look adorable when he is sleeping! Never knew a physco can be adorable. This is gonna be one hell of a kidnapping trip. I still can't wait to leave this place. I need to see Jaden to see if he's okay.

"Mmm Camille." he moaned in his sleeping.

Damn. He has a sexy sleeping voice.

HOLD UP. NO you can't be thinking this. I mean Chresanto isn't ugly, but he's a physco. Do I have to keep reminding my stupid ass that?

"Roc get up." I said.

"Hm?" he said stretching. 

"I have to use the bathroom, can you untie my hands?"

"Get up, I'm making sure you're not escaping."

I did as I was told and walked a towards the bathroom. So did he. 

"Make sure this isn't any funny business." he said.

His voice was still sleepy. I couldn't help but smile, because it's so cute.

"Why are you smiling?" he said untying my hands.

"Oh, uh..." I wiped the smile off my face and just walked into the bathroom and used it. I walked out the bathroom. He didn't even bother tying my hands back up.

"Promise me you won't try to run away, I'm too lazy to tie you up right now."

I chuckled. Does he really think I'm not going to escape? I checked my pockets. DAMN IT. He took everything. My phone, keys, etc. Damn it.


I jumped a little.

"Okay, I promise."

"You know if you even try to run away you won't even get away. You run too slow." he chuckled. I squinted my eyes at him, but it's true. I am a slow runner. I mean I don't run. It's tiring.


I got back in the bed and we ended up in the same position. I mean, I'm not even gonna complain that I didn't like it. I have to admit. His strong muscular arms, I bet if he had a girl no one could hurt her. AT ALL. His body is so nice.

Plus, when I first met Chresanto. He was this goofy, sweet, nice, teen.  With the most adorable laugh and voice. A to die for smile and everything. He seem so perfect in my eyes. Until I heard he was in that group and he tried to just use me for sex. I was mad. I actually started developing feelings for him. But the feelings are sadly gone. 

Good thing Jaden came into my life. 

Why does Chresanto have to be back? My life was going by fine.

I'm not trying to have second thoughts about him...


"Yes, Roc?"

"Do you think we could start over?"

"What do you mean?"

"The way we use to be. You weren't suppose to find out about the group thing I was in. I swear, I tried to get out of it."

"Whatever Roc."

"I swear-"

"Roc, I don't wanna talk about it. Go back to sleep."

He sighed in annoyance. 


I stood there thinking for the next 5 minutes. Then I finally fell asleep.

I'm Crazier Than You Think.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin