Chapter 18- I'm In Love With Her Too

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Camille's POV.  ; 10:00 pm. 

I haven't talked to Roc all day. I'm not sorry about it either. How could he think I just cheat on him like that. 

I run the bath water, preparing for my bath session. I check the water temperature making sure it's the right temperature for me. While I wait for it to fill, I take off all of my clothes, and put a robe on to cover my naked body. I put my hair into a high messy bun. I slowly step into the bath tub, feeling so relaxed. I sigh thinking about this morning. I close my eyes for a minute. 

I felt a finger touched my shoulder. I sighed, knowing exactly who it was. I just ignored it.

"Cam, please talk to me. You haven't talked to me all day." Roc says.

"I wonder why." I whispered to myself, still not looking at him.

He sighed and left the bathroom. I re-opened my eyes.

I stayed in the bath for about 30 more minutes, just thinking. I cleaned myself up and then got out. I moisturized myself. I looked at my tattoo on the back of my neck. It's just like Rihanna's. I love it. I put my 'RUN DMC' shirt on, sweatpants, and some fuzzy- warm socks on. I'm a little cold..

I come out into the room, looking at a sad Roc. He's looking at his phone. I feel bad for not talking to him. I climb onto the bed and on top of him.

"You have 2 minutes to say whatever you have to say to me, but after that, I'm not speaking to you." I say giving him a chance to explain himself.

He lifts me up still on his lap. He kisses my lips, but I pull away looking down. He strokes the little pieces of hair coming out of my bun.

"Cam, I'm really sorry I didn't believe you. And I'm especially sorry for letting Princeton touch you. I'm suppose to protect you, but I didn't. You don't know how sorry I am, Cam. I really am. I promise to never let him hurt you. Just please forgive me." he says with tears in eyes. One tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it away, with my thumb. I kiss him for about 30 seconds then I pull away.

"It's okay, I forgive you." I say, smiling. I hug him. He hugs me back. 

"I love you, Cam."

"I love you too." I get off of him, and lay beside him. He pulls me in close and pecks my neck.

Princeton's POV ; 12:00 am

So, while Camille & Roc were out doing something, Roc accidentally left his phone. The doctor called saying he doesn't have HIV, but I'm not telling him that.

I go into their hotel room. Roc has a pretty tight grip on Camille. I shake Camille a little and she wakes up. I cover her mouth as soon as she sees me. 

"Tell him your using the bathroom." I whisper in her ear. I hide under the couch.

"Roc, can you please let me go. I have to use the bathroom." she loudly whispers. He lets go turning around in his sleep. She slowly gets out of bed. I grab her hand and take her out of the hotel room. We run out of the hotel. It's cold as hell outside.

"Where are you taking me?" she says.

"Don't worry about it. Just follow me." I say firmly. We go into a dark alley. I hear her shivering over there. I feel bad for her. I take my 'Nirvana' sweatshirt off, leaving me in my wife-beater. She's acts surprise, but takes it anyway.

"You're welcome." I say sarcasticly. 


"Your attitude isn't helping."

I'm Crazier Than You Think.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang