Chapter 43 - Storage Take Down

Start from the beginning

"The boss wants this box with the next shipment" someone said and I grabbed a hold of Kate's hand dragging her behind one of the boxes to hide.

"You mean the shipment to Russia?" another man said and I caught Kate's eye.

"Yes, that's the one" the first man said again with a tired voice.

Two pair of footsteps walked away again and I peeked out from behind the big box. There weren't as many people as I had thought there would be, but still enough for me to thank god Gates and Roy decided to help us. I looked over to the other side of the big storage room and I could see the two getting out of the same looking corridor me and Kate had walked through. Gates saw me and her facial expression asked if we should get started now. I turned around and looked at Kate.

"They're in place" I whispered to her.

"Then let's get started" she whispered back and I peeked out agan to catch Gates eyes and gave her a nod.

We moved in the darkness, all four of us, around the room. Always across from each other and every man we met upon we eliminated.

"Gordman?! Where the hell is that bastard?" I could her a male voice shout angrily and I looked at the man standing in the middle of the storage room.

"I don't know, but he's really starting to piss me off" the woman beside him said and I immidiately recognized her as my boss.

Now there were only ten people left that I could see and they all stood in the middle of the room. Why would they always gather around like that? It made it harder to take them out. Gates and Roy started moving into the middle and so did I and Kate. We stayed behind some boxes and I looked at Kate who had a small smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Don't move! You are surrounded, give up and put your hands over your head!" I heard Gates voice echo in the big room.

I peeked out and saw Ron and Yvette immidiately grab for their guns. When the other men around them saw their actions they joined and took out big guns from the boxes nearest to them. I pulled up my gun and shot one of the guys nearest to me. The guy dropped to the floor and I saw the other look at him, some with scared faces and some with neautral.

"Show yourself, Victoria" Ron said and I flinched.

He knew her?

"Not unless you put away those guns and give up" Gates shouted and they all turned towards the box where Gates and Roy where hiding.

I took another aim and shot the guy nearest the box, just in case he was thinking about taking a jump at my old boss and her friend. The nearest ones turned around and caught me. They raised their guns and started squizzing the trigger. That's when they were shot down as well. I looked at my right to see Kate peeking out on the other side of the box with her gun raised. Her face was focused, almost as if she had taken the decision rather quickly to make sure nothing would happen to me.

"Surrender!" Roy shouted from behind another box.

I was surprised they had split up but it was a good idea. Though I didn't feel like I would be able to seperate from Kate like that.

"Show yourself" Yvette shouted out with her gun up.

There were five more men to go before there were only the two corrupt bosses left. I took another aim and shot one, at the exact same time one of the other men dropped too. Then a third and a fourth one dropped and I took the aim on the last guy, pulling the trigger. I stood up with my aim at Yvette, Kate joined me standing and so did Roy and Gates.

"Beckett?" Ron asked and she nodded coldly as a reply. "So you finally figured it out huh? How we killed your mom, right here in this room?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" Kate shouted unstable.

I could see she was about to loose it, and that was probably the plan.

"So that's the girl you were telling me about? The dysfunctional girl who's mom was that pathetic woman Johanna Beckett?" Yvette said and smirked at Kate.

"Just shut up Yvette" I growled.

"Oh, so you two did team up huh? What a hopless duo" Ron said looking at me.

Gates and Roy didn't really know what to say or do, we were still waiting for Yvette and Ron to give up. We were four against two and they would never be able to win this.

"Put your guns down" Gates said, finally finding her voice.

Yvette turned to shoot Roy and Ron turned towards Gates. Me and Kate reacted in milliseconds, running forwards knocking the guns out of their hands. I kicked Yvette in her stomach and she laughed.

"As if that would hurt me, me?" she said and took a punch at my face.

I quickly ducked and avoided the fist. She kicked out the gun from my hand and we kept on fighting. I threw a punch and she threw a punch, we both blocking each other and trying to get in a better fist. I kicked her hand away one time and punched her in her face. I heard a bump and saw Ron laying on the ground with a bloody face. Yvette took my distraction and kicked me backwards, I stumbled and fell on the ground. She quickly took out a gun and aimed at me. It all happpened so fast. In less than ten seconds I was on the ground and she fired her gun.

"No!" a voice screamed and someone jumped in front of me.

I heard the gunfire and before I knew it I heard two other shots. The body landed beside me and I looked down at her.

"Kate!?" I screamed and threw myself at her.

I turned her around and looked at her body. There was blood all over. She was still looking up at me and her eyes were moving. She was still alive!

"Kate" I said and tried to find the bullet hole. "Stay with me, Kate."

I found the bullet hole and I gasped. It was right next to her heart. I couldn't hear anything. Couldn't hear Roy and Gates calling in the radio to Javi and Kevin to get an ambulance over here. To hurry up before it was too late. I held my hand over her chest trying to keep the blood from leaving her body.

"Kate, stay with me" I said, tears stinging in my eyes.

Her eyes looked up at me and I could see her trying to say something.

"Don't leave me, please" I begged and I kissed her cheek.

I kept my hands right where they needed to be to keep the pressure on her wound. She started to look around, not being able to look at one certain spot.

"No, please, stay with me" I kept on whispering as I watched her eyes slowly close.

My vision were blurry and I felt a pair of strong hands pulling me of her body. I tried to refuse to leave her side but there were more than just one pair of hands pulling me away. I had no idea what to do. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't. Because if she were. How the hell was I supposed to keep on living?


Hope you enjoyed it, just wanted to say 2 more chapters after this! Feel free to comment your thoughts xoxo

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