Chapter Two - Swapped

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Ink was delirious when he came to. A splitting headache pounding around his skull. His vision was blurry, and his 'stomach' was churning. He had travelled through strange portals before, but he had never ended up like this. When his vision straightened out, and his head stopped pounding enough so that he could see what was in front of him. He noticed that they were no longer in Outertale. Something felt different about this AU. He could always tell which one he was in, like a gut feeling. Here. he felt nothing.

He also noticed that several feet away from him, just as delirious and nauseous as he was. Was Dream as well as, Error and Nightmare? "Great, we're going to have fun when they wake up." He groaned to himself, his voice was surprisingly hoarse, as if he hadn't had anything to drink in days.

He attempted to try his legs. A rush of dizziness found its way to his head as he stood on his feet. He took two stumbling steps forward, finding that his knees were shaky, but they worked. As his strength came back to him, he trod over to his friend, who had just begun to wake up. He knelt beside the delusional skeleton, calling out his name, and slightly shaking his shoulder to gain his attention.

"Dream? Dream, come on get your head straight." Ink said. Dream's eye-lights met his, but Dream refused to move.

"Wha, What happened?" Dream stammered, the trip through the portal had seemed to affect the guardian worse than it had affected Ink. "Where did you take us?" The bright skeleton attempted to sit up, just to be hit by a wave of nausea. He clutched his 'stomach' and placed a hand over his mouth. Stopping whatever vile substance had been attempting to push itself out of him.

"I didn't take us anywhere," Ink stated. Making sure that his friend wasn't going to be sick before continuing. "Those portals may have looked like mine but they weren't." Ink glanced over at their company, the two Bad Sanses seemed to be attempting to regain their composure. Ink hurried the positive skeleton to his feet, ignorant to his current state of health.

"Holy shit," Dream cursed. Bringing his hand to his mouth once more.

"Nows not the time to stall Dream, come on." Ink stated, dragging the suffering skeleton beside him away from the trouble behind them. He felt a slimy appendage wrap around his waist. "Fuck."

He was ripped away from Dream and was brought face to face with a very angry Nightmare. He spat at him, "where the fuck did you take us!"

"Geez Nightmare, I know you're an octopus but say it don't spray it." Ink taunted. Wiping the bead of saliva that had landed on his cheek off.

Nightmare retaliated by throwing his body against a tree. One tentacle being used to keep him there, while the others aimed at different vital parts of his body, each sharpened to a point. "Don't call me that, you half-witted fool," He growled. "Now I won't ask again," Nightmare brought Ink up to his face, glaring at him menacingly. "Where did you take us."

"I didn't take us anywhere." Ink shot back.


"I'm not lying! Those portals may have looked like mine but they weren't." Ink argued. He gripped the tentacle around his waist, attempting to slowly peel it off him. But it was futile, the strange liquid they were made of prohibited Ink from obtaining any grip.

Nightmare opened his mouth to argue, just for his sentence to be replaced by a screech of pain. Ink landed on the ground with a loud thud as Nightmare dropped him, flinging his body around. Implanted in his back was a familiar blue arrow. Nightmare roared at the sight of his brother, sending all four of his tentacles at the positive skeleton. Dream's face held a look of 'oh shit' and he took a rolling dodge away from the attack.

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