Chapter One - A Portal Between Worlds

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It was an average day within the multiverse. Thousands of timelines were in motion, either they genocide or pacifist. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like these skeletons like Outer. We're enjoying ketchup flavoured nice cream while watching several alternate versions of himself battle each other. These alternate versions were the Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses.

The Star Sanses were a group of three heroic skeletons looking out for the multiverses' wellbeing. These skeletons were. Dream, the living embodiment of positivity itself. Armed with a bow and arrow, he may look friendly but he knows how to fight. Blue, a swapped version of classic sans. With the ability to summon bones and gaster blasters, he's a force to be reckoned with, especially when he's high on sugar. And finally the leader, Ink. The protector of the multiverse, with the strange ability to manipulate paint, and fights with an oversized paintbrush. He is probably the most dangerous of the three, though he wouldn't purposely cause any damage unless he was hyped up on red paint.

Then there was the Bad Sanses, seven skeletons who had banded together to cause trouble throughout the multiverse. There was the trio. Killer, Horror, and Dust. Killer, often armed with a knife, he was the quiet one of the group. He had black ooze running from his lightless eye-sockets and a target shaped soul that sat on the front of his ribcage. Horror, an ever-hungry, cannibalistic skeleton missing a chunk of his skull. He's never seen without his trusty axe, which he has never cleaned. Then there's Dust, his names say it all. A psychotic monster who had dusted everyone in his AU. Unlike his teammates, Dust likes to stick to his magic instead of using a physical weapon.

Next was Cross, a monochromatic skeleton with a knack for knives. After losing his AU, he joined Nightmare's group after figuring out that there was no possible way to bring it back. He shares half his soul with his AU's Chara, but Nightmare had done Cross the favour of putting the kid to sleep. So Cross wouldn't have to deal with the humans' persistence in taking over his body, while still being able to use the knives he had gotten so used to.

Then there was Error, the strongest member of the team, he's just too lazy to lead it. This glitchy skeleton didn't have an AU of his own, he came from the anti-void. An endless white abyss, devoid of life, apart from Error himself. Like many other sanses, Error could summon bones and gaster blasters. But he also had a unique ability. He could pull strings from his eye sockets, which he used to limit or control his enemies in battle.

Lastly was Nightmare, the embodiment of negativity, and Dreams brother. Covered head to toe in an oily substance. That substance formed four retractable tentacles that sprouted from his back. After he had eaten practically every negative apple from the tree and turned his brother to stone. He went on to create the Bad Sanses, to cause chaos throughout the multiverse.

To put it straight, both sides were sick of each other. And it wasn't rare to see the two groups battling it out. Though the Star Sanses were greatly outnumbered, that didn't stop them and they would often come out on top, much to the Bad Sanses dismay.

What had caused this battle you might ask. Nothing important. Just two groups in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It happened to be a fact that Ink and Error weren't the only skeletons who went to Outertale for some quiet.

"Why isn't it my dear younger brother and the Star Shits," Nightmare chuckled. The two teams were standing several metres away from each other. Each monster in a fighting stance, waiting for the ones opposite of them to attack.

" Cut it out, brother! Why are you here." Dream questioned, his bow had already been summoned and loaded.

"Are we not allowed to relax?" Nightmare questioned, a snarky smile plastered on his face.

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