Sonic The Hedghog

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Night time fall in the city of mobius, people are living peacefully as they make there way to their homes or jobs, Vehicles field and the roads As they are making their way to whatever they need to go, things seem to be going good until.....

A sudden explosion was heard near a scientist laboratory. Fire was everywhere, inventions were destroyed, Scientists running in fear, Security guards are moving into to situation, they arrived until they all saw what was the cause of the destruction.
They were Badniks!!!!!

Security guard one: "What the.... what are those things?!"
Security guard two: "I don't know but we must stop them".
Security guard leader: "Ready?! Aim! Fire!!!!" As he shouted giving the order.

They all fired their guns at the same time, giving everything they got. As they fired the badniks were still standing as it appears bullets were nothing to them, no matter how many times they fired, how much ammo they had, the badniks still didn't go down for nothing. Until they all ran out of ammo.

Until all of the security guards finish shooting the egg robo's got their ray guns ready to fire, buzzers were ready, scorp had their stingers out, shell cracker's have their claws ready to punch someone, slicers are ready to slice someone and much more badniks were there too.
They all started Attacking the security guards with everything they have.

Security guard three: Ahhhhh!!! As he is being chased by a motto bug.

Security guard one: "They're everywhere"!!!!!!

Security guard leader: "We need to call for backup". He grabbed he Walkie-talkie as yelled "We need backup now!!!! But there was no answer from the other troops.

On top of building
Mysterious figure: "Wow look at this, badniks everywhere, Security guards getting jumped, and people screaming in terror...yep this is eggheads mess".

As the mysterious figure finished he walked back to the buildings edge and then stopped, he then looked back he came from and started running as fast as he went, as ran to the edge he then jumped off the building and doing a full spin dash in the air, he spind so fast that he aimed for the badnik smashing it into pieces in front of the guard. He then got up and said "Need a little help guys"? he said Looking at the remaining badnicks left.

The next thing you know the security guard looked at him confused and said "What in the world are you"? he questioned as he's in shock.

Mysterious figure: "I'm Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog".

Sonic looked back at the badniks and replied "Ah yeah this could be fun". He then did a spin dash to the buzzer as he did he then looked at the slicer as it threw it's slicers towards Sonic, Sonic then ran away trying to hit it back toward the slicer, he ran and flipped over causing the slicers to hit the robot. "Easy peasy" as he said trying to steady himself. Sonic looked up and then....

Sonic: "OUCH"!!!!
Sonic is then punched by a shell cracker into a wall, he then grunts his teeth "You asked for it tin head"! Sonic then grips his fist and then dashed his way over the shell cracker hitting it on it's head as he was finished with that, he looked at the other shell crackers and zoom to them super punched them fast, kicked them as he could hit, and did a spin dash through the robots destroying them.

The blue Hedgehog dusted his hands saying " Next time used your head instead of of claws".

Sonic: "Well I guess that leaves me with you meatalheads huh?" He nodded, he then zoomed to the egg robos and the bashed through them before they had the chance to fire their weapons.

Sonic:"And that's the end of that boys, he looked at all of the scrap metal from the badniks he damaged and looked at the guards and asked "You guys ok nothin broken"?

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