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Your pov


I'll be at the airport earlier than you, remember, when I bump into you, that's when you slip the phone into my purse got that?


Okay. I got it. 


Just don't show any signs of what is going on, he is a cat after all.


 alright then. I gtg, i need to call my cousin, so I can get directions


what? give me her number, i can tell her about you and we can team up on chat.


I'm going to run away from him! 




DONT DO THAT, THAT'LL BUST THE PLAN IN PIECES. Most likely he'll keep an eye 24/7 on you. I'm gonna call your cousin and tell her about this, and we can team up on Chat. About the phone, I'll be on the same plane as you. At the airport over in China, when you get your bags, I'll bump into you again. I'll might even start a conversation just to distract him got it?!


okay. i'm just so nervous right now


 you got this girl, we got this



Janice, now i gotta go, I need to prepare for tomorrow, pretty sure you need to go too since he's there. lemme know if you need anything k?


alright then. bye



I hide my phone between the mattresses under me. Man I need a shower, either Chat makes me take a wash up here, then he gives me breakfast, lunch and dinner here, anything else I need? UP HERE-well besides the bathroom, That time of the month? Well he leaves that up to me mwah hahaha. 

I seriously want to breathe some fresh air. The only time I can get some air is when I take that small window pane out and breathe out of it, and look around for help-none around usually. I only walk around a bit just for a stretch. I just want to run away from this place so bad, I feel so empty, I feel like I'm gonna lose it any minute now. I'm legit scared of this guy. If only I didn't let my guard down, and be so naiive, I wouldn't be in this position right now. Maybe If I bring him back to himself maybe he won't be like this monster anymore. My feelings that were once there for him they're gone now. I should've noticed the signs, when he was at first acting protective of me I thought it was cute.

 But this has gone too far-farther than far. The trap door opens, as the light of the setting sun begins to fade away from the room, two black ears poke out and the rest of his figure ascends from the ladder.  

I quickly lean over the edge of the bed and grab my phone and slip it into my pocket making sure the camera was on and running. I curl up, not wanting to see his face, just one more day to play this off. Just one.more.day. Just going to the airport, and sitting on the plane, wait the airport! People are at the airport! I can call for help-wait. But Janice says not to blow this up. She obviously has a big plan ahead of her too, 

His Obsession | Yandere! Chat Noir x Reader✅Where stories live. Discover now