107 ∞ last-minute preps

Start from the beginning

Mickmi nodded. "Thank you, gentlemen."

"Let's go, boys."

Danny retrieved his suit pouch from where he'd left it on a side table and exited through the door Bogdanov held open for them. He found two guards waiting outside.

"Thank you for allowing me to— for sharing that experience with me," Bogdanov proffered his hand as Mickmi approached.

"You are welcome." Smiling, she took his hand, and he put his other on top with a fond squeeze.

"I look forward to your successful return. Good luck, Miroshka... Good luck, all." He shook hands with Selina and Atlas as they passed through the door, then turned to shake hands with Danny. "You make sure to bring them back safely."

"Definitely." Danny glanced at Atlas, not feeling as certain as he sounded.

Once again, Kruger led the way in silence. Danny walked beside Mickmi, followed by Atlas and Selina. The two guards took up the rear. Danny found himself mapping their route. As they stopped at a security checkpoint that looked the same as most other checkpoints he'd been through in this place, he guessed—felt—they would take left and two more turns before hitting the elevator to the last stretch to their rooms. He was right. They made one stop on the way as Kruger disappeared into an office and returned with a telephone set before they entered the familiar, polished corridor.

Danny was sure that the rooms would surprise Atlas. The man had no idea what had happened these past few days. At least, he should know one thing. Dropping back, he fell in step with Atlas.

"Apoc," Danny said quietly, "he's dead."

Atlas shot a glance at him, at Selina on his left, then stared straight ahead at Mickmi, his eye crinkling.

"No, no, one of their people did it."

Atlas studied him out of the corner of his eye, then nodded without a word.

The guards stationed themselves on either side of the three entrances as Kruger held the middle one open for the group to enter room "307". He looked at his watch when the door closed behind them.

"It's five to one so you have twenty minutes to relax, freshen up."

Selina sat down in one of the leather couches while Atlas stopped in the center of the room, casting his gaze around.

"Mister McGahn," Kruger continued, "I'll set up the phone for you next door, so you can have some modicum of privacy. Just be reminded not to speak of the nature of your location or activities here, nor the mission. These are strictly top secret. And remember, your call will be monitored... as everything is here."

Right... "I will, thanks."

Mickmi approached Atlas. "Perhaps you would like to take the opportunity to freshen up before we leave."

He grunted. "Had I known you'd be accommodated like royalty, I would've brought change of clothes with me."

"I shall arrange—"

Danny didn't hear any more as he followed Kruger into the room Selina used last night. He watched him unlock a socket next to a small desk and plug in the phone cable.

"The number?" Kruger dialed the digits as Danny said them and waited. "Yes, thank you." Another pause. "Ah, it's ringing. Here you are." He handed Danny the receiver. "I'll be back for you all in twenty."


Kruger pulled the door shut as Danny put the receiver to his ear. The phone at the other end rang several times.

Shadow Of The Past Trilogy ∞ THE DISPLACEDWhere stories live. Discover now