The Earth Is Flat

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Happy borthday Octodaddy. You were best boi this year. Gud job.


The sun was at the point where it stopped moving again, but it was still enough to reflect on the smooth rock Cross currently sat on, making it look like there was silver glitter splattered all over its warm surface. The sky was a soft pink, wisps of magenta and lavender visible among the fluffy orange puffs of cotton candy-like clouds. A light wind picked up, swirling a few dry, brown leaves into a mini tornado. A single leaf flew out of the whirlwind, and drifted to the smol before gently landing on the top of the little skeleton's skull.

It tickled, and he sneezed unwillingly, causing the leaf to flutter down. He subconsciously reached out a shaky hand, and grabbed it, fidgeting with it in a way that practically tore it to shreds. Holes got ripped wider, giving separate pieces, before getting crumpled up into a tight ball with satisfying crunches and crackles.

The boy's eyes were wide as he stared at the parrot he had named Oumu sat on an unsteady branch before him, carefree and not even considering the possibility of any form of danger. He could run away now. He wasn't sure if the other had been telling the truth and shouldn't trust him anyways. Then, he wouldn't have to kill such an innocent, adorable little thing. He'd probably be able to fend for himself.


How selfish of him, putting a conjecture of his own doom above the life of a pure animal. What give him the right? But that's just how humans and monsters had to be made, weren't they. Greedy and self-centered. Thanks, God. Or whatever religion you believed in. Or if you were religion-free, then uhhh...thank....explosions and monkeys?

"Come on, now. Just stab it or something and stop staring at it, I'm getting jealous," his companion suddenly spoke out, startling Cross with a jolt as he realized the other had just been watching him the entire time.

He turned to look at him, a pleading look in his eyes as he silently begged the taller not to make him do this. 

"Your 'Oumu-Chan' doesn't have all day, you know. I'm sure he's getting quite impatient," the octopus muttered in annoyance, looking the smaller up and down judgmentally, a brow raised as a foot tapped the ground, arms crossed over his chest.

The bean's mind frantically searched around for any excuse out of all this murder, but came up blank. 

Wait a second...oh yeah! There was that! He looked up at the other hopefully, a glint in his pupils as he informed a soft, "I....can't use my magic and I don't have any weapons to do anything, though."

He bit his 'lip' in anticipation, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably and excitedly. The dirt shifted, a faint rustling from the dead, fallen leaves just loud enough to be heard. His expectant gaze met the octopi's, and Nightmare looked back down, 'bored' and 'disappointed' written all over his face.

"How lame. Fine, I guess I'll have to do the work myself, prince," he jeered, pronouncing 'prince' mockingly in disgust, his spat out words sounding gruff.

The smol knew the taller would definitely kill him if he knew he thought this, but his tone honestly sounded like one of an edgy teenager's.

Well, to be fair, the other kind of was an edgy teenager.

Nightmare sighed, straightening up. He lashed a tentacle out suddenly, spearing right through the bird's chest. He could actually feel Oumu's guts and insides, but he didn't mind. It was cozy and comfortable. The parrot's pained screech rang out over the forest, the echos slowly fading. Cross covered where his ears would've been, turning away and squeezed his eyes shut. He curled up into a trembling ball on his rock. He hated pain. Hated it so much. The squawking scream the bird had let out as it died would play in the smaller's head over and over in the future. That's what always happened. 

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