Chapter 2 Someone to Watch Over me

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	In the field of purple grass surrounded by a forest, a helpless female infant cried in the dusk,until two old villagers stumbled upon her

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In the field of purple grass surrounded by a forest, a helpless female infant cried in the dusk,until two old villagers stumbled upon her. They were on their way back from their moonlit picnic, the stocky armed man carrying a now empty basket under his dark brown cloak, their faded blue hair blowing around in the breeze. She was short with the body of a misshapen tree. When they were close enough, they stopped and looked at each other, "Do you hear that?" she asked.

"What? Daaaaaagnabbit, you dolt! Ya know sounds mean nothin' to me!" he said.

"Well, there's a very quiet weeping coming from behind those bushes!" she whispered and pointed an odd finger. The peculiar couple tip-toed around a tall Yellow Arbor Vitae, discovering a tired, glowing newborn lying in some water craft.

*GASP!!!* the woman put her right handover her mouth and smacked her beloved with the other, "Ooh what is she doing here all alone at this hour?" she picked up the child, frantically looking everywhere.

"Henry!!! See?" the old man stared at the whiny thing with distressed eyes.

"She's possibly abandoned. We must take care of her!" They bundled the baby in their tablecloth and hurried along. The determined man and wife decided to adopt the little one, placing her in a cul-de-sac home with her new older brother, Rainex. With only a bow showing her smudged name, they called her, Jacie.


Five years pass by. She did not speak a lot, and Rainex was never really around much, but Jacie still managed to befriend some children who hung around the village, Crystalline Waters.

Idwin hid inside of her heart quietly until he finally chose to show himself, a healthy boy of six, one year older than his fleshy-existing friend, with emerald eyes, and a loving smile. Still on the other side of a cornered wall, he held the precious Silver Star Pendant the king had given him, hearing Jared's distant voice, "With what you are, regardless of tangible or nay, means you do not need to consume food, you cannot feel physical pain, you can pick up objects, move them around, plus you can read her mind and see her feelings." then he stuck his head out and put his gaze on the isolated girl sitting at the kitchen table, pushing her red ponytail back. Looking around, the family made little above one thousand dollars, and so there seemed little to do, therefore they lived simply. Soon, having a newspaper in hand, the deaf, aged man entered from up the stairs, "Good morning, Daughter!" He was about to go to work at the candy store.

Jacie looked away, impudently replied,"MORNING......." as she never called him 'Dad', or the woman 'Mom'. She felt something was wrong about saying that, and the feeling, never, ever, changed...

The young son's smile disappeared as he could sense the child's true thoughts. When not with anybody else, she easily got bored.

/Jay.../ he thought. He always knew her actual name but would never dare to speak it. Jacie got up and went through the peaceful, lonely parlor to out front. Idwin then followed her. As soon as they were under the handsome summer sun, he said, "Hello there."

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