"Peter," I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, my eyes red and swollen, to see Harley. "Oh my GOD, Harley, I was so worried." I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back, but he was very stiff. I pulled away, looking at him in confusion. I wiped my eyes vigorously. "Um, how did you get up here? W-what happened?" I asked while dusting myself off. "I was just watching everything from my room and next thing I know, some weird alien guy is basically kidnapping me!" He laughed. It was a weird, forced laugh. One that I've never heard him make before. "Oh, weird," I chuckle back. "So," he says, rolling up his sleeves, "where are the rest of the Avengers?" I clear my throat. "Um, I don't really know. They just kind of disappeared." Technically, that's not a lie because I really don't know where they went. "Well," he smirked, "guess it's just you and me then." I laughed nervously. "Yep. You and me, me and you."

"Why so nervous?" He blurted out of nowhere. I looked shocked. "What do you mean? I'm not nervous."

"You're sweating and your hands are shaking."

I looked down at my hands. They were shaking pretty badly. "Oh yeah," I rolled my eyes, "they do that sometimes." I gulped.

He got close to me, so close that he was towering over me. I looked at the floor, trying to stay calm. Tears invaded my eyes. I knew this wasn't Harley, and I know exactly who it really is. "No need," he pushed me up against the wall, "to be nervous," he smiled, "Peter."

"I'm not nervous," I stood my ground and held my head high. "And I'm not afraid of you."

"Afraid of me? Why would you be afraid of me?" He asked with mock confusion.

"I know you're not Harley. It's so easy to tell. You should work on your acting skills." I snapped at him. "Also, I know who you are. And I'm not afraid of you. You're a fucking coward."

He ran up to me and grabbed my neck. I struggled for air as he pushed me harder against the wall. "How dare you? You're a child. Stop trying to act like you're not."

"I'm... not... a child," I stuttered. He finally let go of my neck and I gently rubbed the sore spot already forming there.

"Oh? You're not?" He taunted. "Prove it."

"I don't have to prove anything to you. You raped Harley. The real Harley. He's traumatized."

"Aw, is he having sex problems? Poor baby." Eric, or as the Skrulls call him, Jalen, did a mock sad face. "Sorry about that."

"You're not sorry for anything," I scoffed. "I'm sorry that people like you exist. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Humans don't deserve rights," he shrugged. "I don't care what a human wants, or doesn't want, for that matter. I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do."

"You're pathetic," I spat.

He came closer and I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm and threw me back against the wall. "Oh, no. You're staying right here."

"HEY!" I yelled, hoping someone, anyone, would hear me. "SOMEBODY!"

"Nobody's coming to save you."

"Where's my team? Where are the others?"

"Oh, you mean the rest of your hilarious attempt of an army? I did away with them. We needed some alone time."

"They are not an army," I said, "and what did you do with them?"

"I didn't do anything with them, Peter. They just can't hear you." He smirked. "My powers may be too advanced for your puny human brain to understand, Parker, but they're here. They just aren't here."

He snapped his fingers and the gloomy grey darkness withered away into a yellow light, where half of the Avengers were crowded around Natasha and the other half were looking for me. It was kind of blurry, and all of their voices were muffled, like I was underwater. "I don't know where he went," Tony said in distress. "One minute he was here, the next he was gone."

Jalen snapped his fingers again and the image disappeared. Same room, same time, but different situations. "Don't you love it? It's like we're in an alternate universe."

My heart felt ice cold and my head was spinning. What is this?! How will I get back?

"Please," I begged him, "please let me back to the others. I won't hurt you or anything, I promise."

"Oh, Peter, I'm not worried about you hurting me," he chuckled, "that's the last worry on my mind. I just want to teach you a lesson."

"What kind of lesson?" I mumbled. I was trying to sound brave and not fearful at all, but in reality, my heart was thumping against my chest. I just hoped his alien ears weren't loud enough to hear it.

He walked slowly closed, unbuttoning his shirt. He ran his fingers through his hair and then leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Maybe I can teach you how to be straight."

My eyes stung with newly formed tears. I looked him directly in the eyes. "Are you going to rape me?"

"Wow, you're so smart!" He mocked me and turned me around, pressing me hard against the wall. "Now close your eyes."


{A/N hey guys! sorry to leave you all off with a cliffhanger, I know that sucks. BUT I only have 2 more days before I'm out for Christmas break which means LOTS MORE CHAPTERS soon! I have all of my finals scheduled for Friday so I'm actually about to die but it's fine. anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me so you don't miss an update! maybe somebody will save Peter? or maybe they won't? guess you'll have to wait to find out.}

bye for now

•2,329 words (a long ass chapter)•

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