Merlin took out his breakfast from his backpack, which was just a banana. He doesn't actually like bananas very much, but he always forgets that. When he grabbed it, he did feel off about it, so, luckily, he brought something extra ; a protein bar.

He began munching on it. Merlin loved his protein bars, that he would never seem to forget. They're not normal protein bars. They're called Z-Bars, and they're delicious. No one could change his mind on it, no matter how many old people complained and lectured him on it.

Merlin was just minding his own business, when he heard some splashing from a few feet away. He paid no mind to it at first, thinking it could just be fish, but as seconds past, it became louder, more aggressive.

Merlin, curious, got up from his seat and approached the sound. Merlin peered down and was shocked to find a hand fumbling for a grip on rocks, sharp rocks. He reacted immediately, not caring who it was, they were clearly in need of assistance, even if he wasn't exactly the ideal person to offer it.

Suddenly, a second hand reached out, then a third and fourth. Four people were down there, all struggling. Merlin was unsure of what to do. His first thought was to call the police, but then he realized he had magic. A lifetime hiding it from everyone you tend to forget... plus the dementia.

Merlin glances around to make sure no one was around before he reached out his hand. He concentrated, waited til he had a firm hold on all four bodies, then slowly moved his hand upwards, lifting them into the air. None of them made any surprised squeal, or you know, scream.

Merlin gently let them down on the grass before running over. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He asked frantically, worrying over this skinny blonde in particular. The others we're slowly staring to move, but him... he just lay there.

One name with very blonde hair that was like a curly, messy mop came over and started shaking the man.

"Sire, sire!" He yelled.

Sire... why does that sound so... familiar...

"Arthur!" The man screamed.

Merlin felt a pain in his chest at that name. It was like no other pain he'd had before, and he was old, so he experienced a lot. That name... he knew it from somewhere. That name... it sounded... important.

Merlin stumbled to his feet, grabbing at his chest. A second guy approached mop. This one was really buff with a buzz cut like hair style.

"Just give him a minute, Leon." Buff guy said.

Merlin felt the pain again. Leon... he knew that name. Just like Arthur. But he couldn't remember. He couldn't know them... yeah, that's it, he must just be delusional.

"Gwaine!" Buff guy called out. "Stop lying around and help us!"

Another name he recognized but couldn't place.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." The one called Gwaine mumbled. "Geez, Percival, so bossy."

Percival.. perce... he used to know... but... who?

Merlin stumbled a few steps back again, still clutching his chest, each of those names hitting him hard in the face.

The one unconscious, Arthur, began coughing. He sat up, turned around, and belched out the water he had been harboring in his lungs. The one named Leon hit his back, hard, probably as to help rid of the water.

Arthur finished and turned, looked around, eyes landing on Merlin. He smiled. "Geez, Merlin, you look like you've seen a ghost." He said. Then his face darkened. "Wait... but I died."

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