Not You (part 2)

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Merlin opened his eyes. This first thing he felt was pain. His head was pounding. And his shoulder felt awful. It stung so badly. And...was he cold?

The next thing he felt were chains. He looked around when his eyes had adjusted. He was in a cell. Though he couldn't remember why.

Bang! He turned his head quickly in the direction it came only to regret it when searing pain entered his mind.

Then it all came flooding back.

"Oh Merlin," Morgana sneered. "We're going to have so much fun together." Then he was flying through the air. The last thing he remembered was Arthur screaming his name before darkness overtook him.
He woke up later and found he was being mercilessly dragged through the snow. It was freezing if, he does say so himself. His wound bumped up and over a rock and that's when he passed out again.
Then he woke up here.

Merlin - momentarily forgetting he was chained - tried to reach up and touch his forehead, only to be caused great pain by the movement of his shoulder.

He sighed.

Then he remembered he had magic. After years of hiding who you are to just about everyone you tend to forget once in a while.

But the strange thing was, he couldn't feel the magic coursing through his veins. Nevertheless he tried anyway. But as soon as he did anything the chains only seemed to grow tighter and warmer.

Bang! There it was again. This time, Merlin looked up to see the one person he really did not want to see walking in.

"Ah, Merlin," Morgana said. "I see you've finally awoken."

"Morgana." Merlin replied, the sound resonating within his throat.

"Oh don't be like that. I just want to have a little fun, that's all." She laughed.

Merlin sighed. "What are these chains?"

"You're smarter than you let on, Merlin. I'm surprised you noticed. I enchanted them with a spell. No magic can break them."

Merlin just had to laugh. "You used them on me? Come on, Morgana. Don't tell me your scared of servant."

"I'll admit Merlin you seem to get in my way to many damn times. But no. See, do you remember why you're here? You have information of Emrys that I need. I fear he'll get word of this and come and rescue you. In which case are the use for the enchanted chains you have on." Morgana started walking to towards his cell, unlocking the door. "Now," She said. "Are you ready to have some fun?"


Arthur leaned over the still unconscious Gaius. "Gaius." He whispered. "Gaius!" Slightly louder this time. When Gaius didn't so much as flinch Arthur gave up and sat down with the other knights.

"He'll wake soon, Sire." Leon reassured.

"I hope so." Arthur replied. "Who knows what Merlin may be going through right now at the hands of my sister." He said that last part with such venom in his voice even the knights were a little taken aback by his sudden hatred. Though they can't admit they weren't deeply worried about their friend, as well.

"Relax, Princess." Gwaine said. "For a servant, Merlin's strong. I'm sure he'll be least for a while. Until we can get to him."

Arthur stood up, slamming his hand against the table. "You don't know my sister, Gwaine. She will torture him. And yes, I know Merlin is very strong. He has never backed down when something dangerous is brought to the light. But Morgana is relentless. She will realize he won't talk, and then she'll just torture him for the pure fun of it. Merlin...h-he'll....he'll suffer. A lot. And I can't stand the thought..." Arthur hung his head. Ashamed he couldn't do anything to save his friend.

Percival put his hand on Arthur's shoulder. "It's not your fault, you know."

"I should have saved him. I shouldn't have run in blindly. I knew it was Morgana we were dealing with and yet I didn't think twice about a plan to get him out. His capture is my fault, at least partly." Arthur sat down and put his head in his hands.

"Arthur, you only ran in blindly because it was Merlin. We know you'll never admit but you deeply care for him, more than any of us do, I'm sure." Sir Elyan said. "You were trying to help him. This isn't your fault."

The knights all shared a look, worried for their kings well being.

"Arthur..." Gaius said before he started a coughing fit. Arthur jumped up from where he sat and ran over to Gaius.

" are you feeling?" Arthur asked, urgency in his voice indicating he really wanted to discuss a different matter.

"Merlin...where is he?" Gaius asked. Worry etched in his voice though he wasn't feeling at all well to be worrying about anybody else but him and his well being.


"Where he is?!" He asked, more frantic.

"I'm sorry. We- I couldn't save him. Morgana...she has him."

"No. It's all my fault." Gaius said.

"No Gaius. I'm to bla-"

"No, you don't understand." Gaius interrupted. "Morgana only wanted him because of what I told her."

"What did you tell her?"

Gaius pondered this for a moment. "There is a sorcerer. His name is Emrys. I once knew him. But I had him erase all knowledge that I know of him from my brain in case I ever put him in mortal danger. But I told Merlin before this happened. Morgana wants to know where Emrys is. I was...tortured, in a way, to give the information. But since I no longer knew it, I couldn't. So, unfortunately, I instead told them Merlin knew. It's my fault. It's all my fault. Whatever great deal amount of pain Merlin will be in is because of me. I have failed him." Gaius lied. He couldn't very well tell them Merlin is Emrys.

"No, Gaius, you haven't. Merlin would never want you to think that. He would have done it again if it meant you wouldn't get hurt. We'll get him back, Gaius. I can promise you that much. I just need to know if you have an idea of where he might have been taken."

"I'm afraid not, Sire."

"That's alright, Gaius. Now rest. We'll get Merlin back." Arthur and the knights walked back to the throne room.

"Sire?" Sir Leon said.

"Let's go back to the sight. We can track him to where Morgana is holding him."

"Sire, it's late now. We should at least wait until morning."

"Alright. We leave at first light. If you're late, we're not waiting." On that note, the king left to his chambers, as did the other knights.


"Morgana." Merlin said. "Before we start, I feel I should tell you you're wasting your time. I know nothing of this sorcerer Emrys. I'd never even heard the name til now."

Morgana laughed. "Likely story, Merlin." She said. "Now, come with me."

Merlin didn't budge. Morgana walked up to him, grabbing his face in her hands and squeezing. "We can do this the hard way, Merlin. Or the easy way. Which do you prefer?"

No response.

"The hard way, then." Morgana snarled. "Guards!" She screamed. Two guards came rushing in. "Bring him. Feel free to not be so kind." She said. The guards did as told, grabbing Merlin by the arms. The one who was on his wounded side - not so secretly - squeezing Merlin's wound. Merlin moaned from the pain.

Once they made it into a big room, Merlin was thrown on the ground and chained to a post. The chains the same of that in his cell.

"Now, Merlin. What should we start with?" Morgana ran her hand over the variety of weapons laying on the table. "How about..." she picked up a box. The contents inside Merlin had no idea. "This." She strolled her way over to Merlin, who couldn't help but eye the strange box. "I'll give you a chance, Merlin. Where is Emrys...and who."

"I. Don't. Know." Merlin snarled. Anger burning up inside him.

"I was almost hoping you were going to say that." She said. "Let the fun begin"

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