Not You (part 5)

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"Princess!!" Gwaine complained. "My butt is getting sore! Can't we rest? We haven't a single break since we started off this morning! I really need to pee!" All the knights sighed in exasperation at Gwaine's nonstop mouth. Though they had to agree with him - just this one time - that they had indeed been riding for a while now. They, too, were exhausted.

"I think Gwaine is right." Sir Elyan said. "Well, partly. We have been riding all day, Sire. I think the horses need a break."

"I...I-I'm sorry. You're right, of course. There's an opening above these cliffs just ahead. We can stop and rest there."

"Thank you, My Lord." Sir Elyan said gratefully. A few minutes later, and they were just about to the little cove.

"We'll rest for a little there-" Arthur's eyes widened.

"My Lord?" Sir Leon questioned. "What's wrong?"

"There." Arthur pointed in the direction of the cove, then he kicked his horse into a run.

"Sire what-" Leon stopped himself mid sentence. There, not too far from where they were standing - but still some lengths away - stood a castle surrounded by white mountains.

"That must be where Merlin is." Arthur mumbled. "We can't waste time, we have to hurry."

"Sire." Percival said. "We all want to find Merlin. But if we keep going the horses are going to collapse. We know where he is now. Let's rest for just an hour."

"But-...fine. Let's get the horses watered and fed, rest a while and then we get a move on."

The knights dismounted their horses in a hurry, finally able to get a moment of relief. Percival tended to the horses, given he was the least tired and could do it quickly enough. The others rested their heads on logs. As for Arthur...he couldn't sleep, once again. He knew he needed to rest, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so. The thought that Merlin was just over those small hills. So close yet so far...

Arthur was dragged out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't even look to see who it was. "Yes? What is it?"

Percival's deep voice came from behind him. "Sire, you should rest, you'll need to be at full strength when we rescue Merlin."

"If  we rescue Merlin." Arthur corrected. Percival sighed and sat down next to him.

"My Lord, you've always been brave in a battle. Especially that of one for Camelot." Percival said proudly. "Why is that you're like this now? You've faced much worse."

Nothing is worse than the person you love in pain and danger, Arthur thought to himself. He sighed in exasperation, defeat, and secretiveness. "Like what? I don't know what you are talking about, Percival. I am completely fine. I will rest." Arthur turned to walk away. "Thank you." He mumbled. Percival nodded his 'you're welcome.'

Arthur went and lay down, but he hadn't been planning on sleeping.


After a while of Arthur trapped in his mind, he decided enough is enough and went to wake the other knights so they could get going. With Arthur's encouragement, they were all ready and packed to go in no time at all.

"Right, then." Arthur said, almost excitedly. "Off we go."


Merlin barely slept a wink that night. And the little time he did get some sleep, he had nightmares. All of them involving Arthur, none of them pleasant. At the moment he was in cased in the worst of his nightmares. But - unfortunately or fortunately he couldn't tell - he was dragged out of the dream by the click, click, click of what he assumed were the heels of his witch torturer.

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