Not You (part 4)

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Arthur picked up two swords, then hit them together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The knights woke with a jump, grabbing for their swords. Then, when they realized it was only Arthur, made noises of protest.

"Come on, Princess!" Gwaine grumbled. "I know you want to go find Merlin, but this is way early. Even for you." He lay back down on his head. Arthur picked up a stick and threw it at him. Gwaine groaned when the large branch landed on his stomach. "I think you just broke my ribs, Princess."

"Come on, Gwaine. 'Rise and Shine!' As Merlin would say. The rest of you up, as well, and hurry! You get 15 minutes to get ready, then we're heading out.

The knights moaned but reluctantly started getting up.


20 minutes later, after packing up the camp, the group was ready. "Alright let's head out. We've already wasted 5 minutes more then I said."

"I had to pee!" Gwaine protested.

"For 5 minutes?!" Elyan prompted. Gwaine only grumbled in response.

The knights were off. Still following the trail they had found. Little did they know how close they were.


When Merlin woke, he sucked in a pained breath, which only caused him more pain. He cried out a little bit, the pain consuming him from all over.

Merlin opened his eyes, slowly moving his head around to see his surroundings. He wasn't in his cell, but instead where Morgana usually tortured him. And he was strung up. Arms out.

"Ah, Merlin." He heard a voice say. A voice he hated, a voice dripping with such hate and venom Merlin couldn't help feel sorry for what she's become.

"Morgana." Merlin was able to croak out.

"How are you feeling? You look terrible."

Merlin tried for a mocking smile, but he was sure it looked more like a mad mans about to be burned at the stake. "Thanks."

"Are you ready to give in yet?" She asked. "I sure hope not. We haven't used my other favorite manner of torture besides the Nathair. I would love a chance to try it out." She leaned close to his face. "But I would love the location and true identity of Emrys more..."

Merlin was almost tempted to give in. But he knew whatever she was doing to him now, would only be 10 times worse if she knew he was Emrys. Then she would kill him. And he couldn't leave Camelot defenseless, Arthur defenseless. "Never..." Merlin whispered, which was all he could manage.

Morgana's smile wavered, she should have gotten it out of him by now. She's never met anyone able to withstand such torture without breaking. And it made her angry to no ends.

But just as quick as it disappeared, her cruel smile spread across her lips once more. "Have it your way, then, Merlin." She said a little excitedly. She walked over to her table of torture weapons, and she grabbed what is apparently her other favorite manner of torture. A whip.

"Morgana." Merlin said, gasping for breath from the effort. "You're...going to...kill rate...." Merlin was heaving at the effort from talking, and his wounds - especially the new one - were burning. Merlin had never been this injured before, and it scared him.

"Then so be it, Merlin!" Morgana yelled, getting a crazy glint in her eye. "I will torture you til the day you die. I will torture you until you tell me who Emrys is!" She screamed in his face, getting so close, he could feel her breath on his lips.

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