Not You (part 3)

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Merlin's voice was raw from screaming. Morgana used something called a Nathair. A snake that creates the most agonizing pain you couldn't even imagine. This had already lasted a good 20 minutes and Merlin was starting to get drowsy, while Morgana was just getting frustrated.

"You're very resistant, Merlin. More so then some knights I've tortured. I'll give you that. But that will change very soon. I promise you that much."

The pain subsided, and Merlin relaxed a little. But he was only given a few seconds of relief before Morgana was back. This time she was holding a dagger. She brought it up to his neck, making him lean back so he wouldn't get cut. She cupped his face in her hands, digging her nails into his skin, drawing blood.

"Merlin...I'll ask this again."

"Morgana. I'll tell you this again. I...don't...know..." He mocked. Morgana snarled. With a swift moment of her arm she brought the dagger she was holding into Merlin's thigh. Merlin tried to not scream, he hated giving her that satisfaction. But she continued to slide the dagger down his leg, making the wound deeper and longer. His face was becoming red from the effort, and soon he couldn't take it anymore.

The scream that escaped his mouth has horrible. After all, he'd been holding it in. Soon, even tears started to form in his eyes. He closed his eyes shut and grit his teeth, trying not to cry. "Oh poor Merlin..." Morgana cooed. "Does that hurt...?" She asked mock sympathetically, before she slide out the knife and drove it into his already wounded arm.

"I-ah." Merlin said in pain, not able to speak. Morgana laughed hysterically.

"I'll let you rest, for now." She said. "But we will resume this in two hours. Guards! Take him to his cells, same comment still stands." The guards grinned and went to get Merlin.

They roughly un cuffed him from the post and lifted him up. They pushed him forward and he screamed in pain as he fell back down. Morgana sighed. "Though I love seeing him in pain, it doesn't help if he can't walk." The guards nodded and continued to pry Merlin off the ground, being purposefully un gentle like. One of the guards "accidentally" stepped on Merlin's wounded leg. The other digging his nails into his wounded arm. "I hope you're more willing to talk after some time rotting away in the cells, Merlin." Morgana sneered.

When the guards got Merlin back to the cell, they threw him inside with what seemed like all their might. They laughed as he sat up, pushing himself up against the wall, wincing harshly from the pain. Then they walked away, still laughing.

Alright, Merlin. He thought to himself. You'll be fine. You'll get out of here. But will he? It's only been what, a day? And the pain he's already felt was agonizing enough. But he still may have to go through it for a while. The knights might not even come for him. "No." He said out loud. He thought, I'm not just a servant. I'm their friend. They'll come for me...I hope.

Merlin, lost in his thoughts, moved to get comfortable. Only to let out a scream of surprise and pain when the wound on his thigh ripped open a little more.

Merlin was becoming very drowsy. So instead of fighting that feeling, he let it consume him. But it only brought him nightmares.

There he was, Merlin, still in his cell. But then he was with Morgana. Getting tortured mercilessly. Then there was Arthur, just watching. He showed no emotion on his face. Not sadness, not pleasure. So, to say the least, Merlin was confused.
The scene changed again, and this time, Arthur was scowling. Still confused, Merlin spoke. "Arthur? What's wrong?"

"You, Merlin. You're what's wrong."

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked, beginning to feel squeamish.

merlin angst one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora