FILE: Jaune Grimm and Saphron Arc

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Name: Jaune Grimm

Age: 18

D.o.B: unknown (records were lost with the destruction of his village)

Family: Saffron Arc

Semblance: Grimmification

Power: 10/10

Strength: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Grimm Forms: Beowulf/Ursa/Deathstalker/King Tijitu/ Nevermore/ Gheist/ Boarbask/ Wyvern/ Griffion/ Goliath/ Bengal/ Wickerman/ Gustave/ Apathy

Possible Forms: Lancer/Ravager/Centinal/Moon-Crawler/ Arachnos/ Sphinx/ Manticore/ Saybr/ Hydra/ Nucklevaee/ Seer/

Summary: Jaune Grimm is an orphan child raised by a pack of Beowulf's. He had attended Beacon to become a huntsman. He was killed during the Breach of Vale(?). Reports of a man similar to him have been reported within Mistral. It is unknown if he is working with the Queen or Not, but I fear he may become like her.

Operation: The ACE Ops would do in killing him, but it could also be said that Winter Schnee may also be useful in killing him. His sister, Saffron Arc, has yet to be found. Reports say that she is in Vale or residing in Vacuo. Further information is needed.

- James SN. Ironwood, General of Atlas military and Councilor

Name: Saffron Arc

Age: 25

D.o.B: Unknown (records lost with her village)

Family: Jaune Grimm

Semblance: Light Armor

Power: 10/10

Strength: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Summary: Saphron Arc is an orphan child raised in a Vale Orphanage. She had attended Beacon to become a huntress. She has disappeared during the Fall of Beacon. Reports of her have been seen within Vacuo. It is unknown if she is still working with the Inner Circle or has changed sides and decided to work with the Queen, the latter is unlikely.

Operation: If Saphron Arc goes Rouge from the Inner Circle, I, Glenda, and Qrow should fight her ourselves. Winter Schnee may be on par with her but it is unknown if Saphron is still using the full power of her semblance, Ozpin himself has said that during her most powerful fights that she was indeed holding back. Even when fighting Ozpin himself, she did it with ease. Ozpin has also stated that he has never felt power like this from Saffron's mother. Her Brother, Jaune Grimm, was the only one that was capable of landing several blows and lowering her Aura. It is unclear what powers she possesses but Ozpin thinks that maybe The Arc Family can use Magic. More Information is needed.

- James SN. Ironwood, General of Atlas military and Councilor

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