The End is Near...

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A/N: Please listen to the song, it is a perfect representation of what Jaune is going through in the story

Jaune was in cuffs, Infront of him was Headmaster Ironwood, Headmaster Ozpin, and Professor Goodwitch. It has been a week since the incident with team CRDL and what Blake had witnessed. Jaune's body had also changed, the tips of Jaune's hair were trained of color and were pure white, while black veins had now shown upon his wrist.

Ironwood looked to the teen, "so your the kid that was Raised by Grimm?" He asked

Jaune didn't answer

"I would advise you to talk, Mr. Grimm" Ironwood stated

Jaune didn't respond

Ironwood walked closer to the boy, "You DO understand that you had killed four students!" Ironwood cried "do you know what the punishment is for that!?"

"JAMES!" yelled Ozpin

Ironwood stopped and looked back to Ozpin, and then he moved away from the teen, Ozpin sighed and looked at the teen, "Jaune... Ms. Scarletina has told us what Cardin and his team did... Is what she said true?" Ozpin asked

Jaune nodded, "yes... I-I saw it with my own eyes..." Jaune replied

Ozpin nodded, "James... what is the punishment for Rape in Vale?" Ozpin asked

Ironwood looked confused, "it's death, as is the same with committing murder" James began "Oz-"

"Then the sentence was carried out," Ozpin said

Ironwood looks confused

"You see, Cardin Winchester and his team had beaten and Raped Velvet Scartletina and Jaune here, saw the whole thing, He then acted as anyone would, and as any court would react when they heard what the boys did," Ozpin said

"There was a lack of Evidence Oz!" Ironwood replied

"a lack of? then you should read the reports of the Rape kit taken from Ms. Scartletina, as well as the history of abuse that the team of boys put her through..." Ozpin replied

This made Ironwood shut up and he looked back to the teen, Ozpin looked at the teen as well, "Mr. Grimm, you are cleared of all charges and will be safely released now" Ozpin told the teen

The guards around Jaune uncuffed him. Jaune touched his wrists, the Metal on his skin had been itching for so long, and the cold hair hitting it felt really good to the teen.

Jaune looked to Ozpin, "Velvet... is she ok?" Jaune asked

This made Ozpin look down in sadness, "unfortunately no. She will be taken a leave for the year and will return next year, as she needs to attend therapy after the traumatic experience she has suffered" Ozpin replied "She asked me to tell you where she will be staying in vale as well as her scroll number and wishes for you to visit her at some point"

Jaune looked to the man, Sadness still was on the boy's face, but Opzin wrote Velvet's apartment address on a piece of paper and Jaune took, but he still looked to the Headmaster with a questioning look on his face.

"Is there something else Mr. Grimm?"

"I would like to ask if I may have a week off... I would like to visit my Family as well as Velvet"

Ozpin smiled, it made the man remember his father and his mother. always worrying about other people, but he was still worried about what was slowly happening to the boy...

"You may, now please Excuse us, Mr. Grimm," Ozpin said

Jaune nodded and left the office. the three watched as he left.

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