House of Memories

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Blake woke with a startle, she looked around to see that she was in a hospital bed as well as a hospital gown, She looked around and then pressed a button to call the nurse. She waited till a nurse walked in, when she did she looked surprised,

"You're awake! good! hang on let me call your friends!" she said and the nurse rushed out to tell the doctor to call Blake's friends.

Blake waited, and she remembered what had happened for her to get here, she remembered an explosion and Jaune. Jaune! she needed to make sure he was ok! She tried to move but it hurt, she removes the blanket that covered her to see a bandage on her torso as well as some more on her left hand. She waited until she heard her team enter through the door, Ruby hugged Blake and Yang and Weiss stood right next to her as a mother did to her sick children.

"Blake! I'm so happy you're ok! I was so worried! I couldn't lose you too!" Ruby cried

Blake's heart stopped at that statement, Blake pulled away from the hug and Ruby, "Ruby what did you mean you couldn't lose me too?" Blake asked

Ruby looked away with tears forming in her eyes, Blake then looked to Weiss who looked down in sadness and then to Yang, who looked back at her

"J-Jaune... is he..." Blake began

"They couldn't find a body... all they found was his sword and pieces of his hoodie" Yang replied with sadness "we still have his sword..." Yang said

Blake didn't know how to react to this, so she let sadness take her over, she cried and Ruby hugged her as did Yang and Weiss. Blake felt it was her fault, she had promised Xina to help Jaune and to watch over him. Now she had broken her promise.

Blake was discharged from Beacon's infirmary and went to get Jaunes sword from her team's room. When she entered the sword was set in her bed. Blake sat next to it and looked over to it, it was covered in dust and some of the sheaths were broken off. she looked at it and wrapped it around in a sheet. She was going to take it back to Xina. She walked out of the dorm and headed to the Emerald forest, She howled and waited. Slowly, coming out of the forest was Xina herself, She looked at Blake and saw what was in her hand, Blake heard her whimper

[my son is dead...] Xina said with sadness

Blake nodded, "I-I'm so sorry Xina... I couldn't keep my promise" Blake said with tears falling from her eyes

Xina waked t the faunas and put her head the girl's shoulder, [You have nothing to be sorry for] Xina replied [did he die in battle?]

Blake nodded

[did he save others? did he save those most important to him?] Xina sked

Blake nodded, "yes... yes he did" Blake sobbed

Xina whimpered again, [then as long as my son died as he wanted to live... then I can only be happy for him] Xina said

Blake looked at the female Beowulf, tears still falling, "what will you do now?" Blake asked them

[the deal with your school will still be maintained... Our pack will live out the rest of our days here, helping to defend this place and your school if the time comes or if you yourself Blake Call for us] Xina stated [I must tell the pack, we will mourn my son in our own way]

Xina then began to walk away, Blake then looked to see the sword still in her hands

"what about Jaune's sword? aren't you gonna take it?" Blake asked

Xina turned to her, [No, It is yours now, My son would have wanted you to have it...] Xina said and turned back around and walked away back in the forest.

Blake looked at the sword, she looked a the blade itself and saw herself in the reflection, and she swore she almost saw Jaune in the reflection of the sword as well. she put the sword back in the sheet and then walked back with it.

When Blake returned to her dorm-room she set the sword next to her dresser and she was going to clean it as well as upgrade the weapon as well. She was about to take a shower when there was a knock at the door, she went to it and opened and saw no one, she then looked to the ground, there she saw a picture of her and Jaune on the couch talking. Yang and took this picture of them with her scroll, she picked it up and when the light hit behind the picture she saw some writing, she flipped it to see the words

"promise me a place in your house of memories"

Blake looked back outside of her room to see if anyone was watching her, but there was no one. She went back inside her room and placed the photo on her bed, and she grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.

The Blonde Teen would always have a place in her Memories...


1 week later:

"What business do you have for visiting Mistral?" Asked the guard

"I'm just here to see some family" replied the man

"Very well" The guard replied as he let him through "enjoy Mistral Mr...?"

"Grimm. Jaune Grimm" replied the man

Jaune grabbed his bag and boarded the Airship. Here he would begin his new life. A new world for him, new things, a new beginning.

Our story is not over...

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