Chapter FOUR

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Chapter Four

Permanent Marker {Niall Horan Love Story}

All Rights Reserved

*Taliyah's POV*

After waking up from passing out, the nurses explained everything from the bandages on my head and the sling across my shoulder. Apparently, I dislocated my shoulder in the process. Niall also came in and tried to explain to me he's sweet. Not buying it. I think he's still with that girl and he just wants me and he'll dump me when he's done with me. He wants to feel better about himself.

Layla, Hailey, and Aunt Maureen are here after One Direction left for their concert. I hope I never have to see them face to face ever again. We have tickets to another concert in June, but only 3 backstage passes. At first, Aunt Maureen was going to wait, but now she can go and I'll wait. I don't want to see any of them ever again. 

"Well, we'll be back later to get you before the concert. They said you'll be able to leave around five," Hailey explains and I glance towards my phone on the table next to me. I pick it up and notice that it's only one in the afternoon. I have four hours in this boring place.

"Ok," I agree and smile. They leave politely and when I know they're gone for good, I grab my mini laptop and sit up. It is a little hard to type, but I got used to it.

I went to Yahoo homepage and see the first thing that pops up: 'It's OFFICIAL! Ellie Tencil and Niall Horan are broken up.' There is a link to a video of Ellie explaining everything. She's being interviewed on the Ellen Show. I click the link and end up at YouTube. I click play and see Ellen and Ellie on stage while the audience starts applauding. 

"So, Ellie. How are you and Niall?" Ellen asks and her facial expression becomes blank. It seems as though she couldn't process anything.

"Well, we're not together anymore. I called him and he told me that he had feelings for some other girl. I didn't really catch her name. Daliyah? Delilah? Something like that," she says and I become offended. She didn't even remember my name.

"Some sources are telling me her name is Taliyah Meyers," Ellen says and Ellie's perfect green eyes light up.

"Yeah! That's her name. I was crushed, but I have to move on, but if Niall ever wants me back, he ain't getting me back," she says and the video ends.

Ellie was really pretty. Prettier than I'll ever be, anyway. It says in the description that Ellie Tencil is a famous actress/songwriter. She stars in all the hit movies and TV shows. I don't really watch TV that often, so I wouldn't know. 

Why would Niall leave her for me? Was he serious about me? No. This couldn't be. I can't give in so easily. This isn't proof. It'll never be proof. I need more evidence. I don't believe anything.

I close the laptop and put it away. I don't even remember why I opened it in the first place. 

I start pulling on the hospital gown out of boredom. What am I supposed to do?

My phone starts ringing and I feel grateful and thankful to whoever is calling me from saving me from boredom. I have 4 hours in this place and I want a friend. I wasn't tired at all considering I had a great nap.

I check the caller ID. Layla. She was really easy to talk to. Even though she is my cousin, she's like a best friend as well.

"Hello?" I ask as I answer the phone.

"Hey!" a boy's raspy British accent rings in my ears.

"Um, you're not Layla," I say and I hear laughing.

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