"I'll let you freshen up, get you some new clothes and we can take a look at the decoration ideas." The prince explains, slowly and softly into my hair.

I nod, my vision slightly blurry because of the tears in my eyes, but I like having Thomas to tell me it's all going to be ok.

"Come in here, this is the ensuite, and I'll have a maid bring you some clothes to wear while you have a shower or bath. Take as long as you need." Prince Thomas explains, delicately pushing back my tear covered hair and kissing my forehead.

"Thank you." I whisper to him before he gives me some privacy, closing the door.


After a long, hot shower to wash off the feeling of period blood from my body, I found a pile of clothes left just inside the bathroom door. Along with numerous types of sanitary products I could use.

I had bundled my white, now red stained dress, so it didn't ruin any of the clean bathroom, and set it aside.

Getting dressed I chose the blue top and black pants, wrapping myself up in the fluffy robe.
Also a pair of slippers sat by the door so I put them on before leaving the bathroom.

My hair was knotty and wet, but at least it smelled of the fresh shampoo flowers and peach body scrub.
I saw Prince Thomas discussing with a maid who had a basket of laundry sitting on her hip.

Once the prince realised I was in the room he thanked the maid and she exited the room swiftly.
"Are you feeling any better?" Prince Thomas asked, concern for my well being in his voice.

As he put his hands on my shoulders I smiled happily, "A lot better, thank you Tom." I say and he smiles happily at that.

"Thank goodness, I didn't want to see you upset. You should know that I understand that is normal and nothing to be ashamed of." He said and his understanding has me smiling.

"I also told the maid of your situation and they will provide you with everything you might need." He said and I fell into a hug with him.

"You're too nice." I say and he chuckles.

"You should be treated with only the best of services Bells. If there's anything you need, just ask." Thomas says, putting a hand on the back of my head, running it down through my wet hair.

"How about those winter festival designs?"


Later on in the afternoon, everything was chaos.

I had been with Harriet since lunch, and when we came back to the corridor where our rooms were the place was crazy.

Girls crying and bags tossed around the hall, doors to rooms wide open as maids and other staff went in and out.

Harriet spotted Lola so we dodged the chaos and stood beside her, "What's going on?" Harriet asks her.

"Prince Thomas has started sending girls home, very suddenly. And they have to leave straight away. Others are stressed because they worry they're next." Lola explained, watching the mess before us.

"Who's going home?" I asked, worried for the girls.

"Not you two, obviously, but Indiana, Remy, Emma, Amelia, Ellie, Jade and one other, Allie I think?" She looks like she's trying to remember.

"Alex." I say and she nods, confirming my thought.

That's 7 more girls gone. Only 11 selected remaining.

Harriet looked to me, concerned, "The Amethyst girls are splitting up." She says.

I didn't even think about that. It was sad. I had become good friends with Remy and Indi.

Harriet takes my arm and we hurry to find them in the mess. They are easy to spot, crying outside their room as they attempt to pack their belongings away.

I give Indi a hug, as she's in tears, and then Remy, who isn't crying but looks sad, giving her a tight squeeze.
We swap phones numbers and promise to text each other in our Amethyst girls chat.

We got the idea for a group chat from Daisy, who got everyone's numbers and made huge a selection group chat.

We say goodbye to both Remy and Indi one last time, since they had been nothing but lovely to us.

Genevieve was also in the corridor, looking particularly sad, probably since her minion Ellie, was being sent home.
She noticed me watching and decided to get up and walk to her own room, slamming the door quite hard. I wish Thomas had sent her home.

Amelia, Jade and Emma were all nice girls, but clearly Prince Thomas was taking this seriously.
No point wasting their time if it's going nowhere though.

The only girl who wasn't a mess being sent home was Alex. She had her bag packed and was sitting on her luggage case as she read her book.


She looks up and gives me a cute grin.

"Hey Isabelle." She greets, closing her book and standing up.

"You're leaving." I say sadly, pointing to her stuff, all piled into one pink and black spotted suitcase on wheels.

"I know, but it's for the best. I didn't really feel a connection." She states matter-o-factly, shrugging slightly.

I nod and pull her into a hug, which she finds unexpected and lets out a tiny gasp before putting her arms around me.

"I'll miss you. Text me when your home." I say and she seems happy that I promised to talked to her again.

"Thank you Isabelle, you're truly a nice friend." She says gratefully and puts a hand on her bag handle, "I have to head out, but I'll call you later."

"Bye." I say with a wave and a smile as she walks off with her bag down the corridor.

Harriet moves to be beside me after saying goodbye to Amelia.
"At least we're still here." Harriet says, putting an arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah, but for how much longer." I say, trying to joke, but she takes it seriously and looks at me concerned.

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